Whooooooo hooooooo!
Go Ottawa Senators!
My original home town hockey team is going for the cup! Bring it home baby!
I’m a Torontonian now, but my heart will always be with my home town of Ottawa. When the Toronto Maple Leafs play I root for them, but when they play Ottawa I’m rooting for the Sens – even if I have to do it secretly because I’m in a crowd of Leaf fans.
If my parents were alive they would be so happy right now.
The original Ottawa Senators, who played hockey in Ottawa from 1894 to 1934 until the franchise relocated to St. Louis, Missouri after the 1933/1934 season, won a total of 10 Stanley Cups and were generally regarded as the greatest hockey team in the early days of the sport.
My dad was born in 1919 in Ottawa, and my mom in 1923 in the Ottawa valley. I’m sure they both rooted for the first Ottawa Hockey Club / Ottawa Senators. BTW I was a late late late baby in case you are wondering!
The current Ottawa Senators franchise began in 1992. My parents were thrilled when the Sens came back into the league. The new franchise of course is not really associate with the original Ottawa Senators except for a certificate that was issued by the NHL with the new Senators franchise, proclaiming reinstatement to the league.
Now, as ecstatically happy as I might sound I am sorry to say that I’m not the greatest hockey fan who ever lived. I am however Canadian, and hockey is a huge part of our culture. Hockey is also a huge part of both my families and my husbands culture too.
My husbands brothers two boys come to Canada every summer to train in hockey camps here in the Toronto area because we apparently have the best hockey camps around and if they want to play in the NHL some day this is their best chance at getting there. Get trained by the best to be the best.
My brothers played hockey, and Chris and his brother were excellent hockey players (played with the Gretzky brothers in Brantford) and could possibly have been NHL players too if they had pursued that dream.
Sorry if you’re a Buffalo fan.
Hey, a Canadian team hasn’t won the Stanley Cup in years! It’s time to bring the cup back home to CANADA where it belongs.
Go Sens Go!
Hello! I am always glad when the underdog wins. I do not know hockey either.
I ran across this blog post and was wondering if this D-list is your d-list or has Courtney pre-empted your list? There are so many lists going around.
I am so cheering for the Sens.
I was ticked, though, ’cause I couldn’t see the game AT ALL thanks to LOCAL horse racing coverage that pre-empted the whole damn game!