I just noticed the other day that my Northern Lights Azalea has buds! Yesterday I even noticed that a few of the buds are beginning to open too. In this photo you can see the partially open flowers behind the Azalea buds.
My little Azalea is extremely slow growing. Yes, they are slow growing plants, but I think mine could use a tiny bit more light as it has a rose in front of it that blocks off some of the light the Azalea would get if that rose wasn’t there. I wish when I’d planted the rose and the Azalea that I’d put the azalea ahead of the rose. When the Azalea does finally grow to maturity it should be four feet tall. However, for the past two or so years it’s only been 2 feet tall or less. The rose gets to about 3 feet tall by the end of summer. I may still rearrange these plants.
I got lots of work done in the front flower beds yesterday and of course I took a lot of pictures of the flowers and plants. Hopefully I’ll get some work done in the backyard garden beds later today!
BTW Some people have been asking what kind of camera I’m using, it’s a Sony Cybershot DSC-H5 7.2MP.
Update! I must pay more attention! I knew I was coming up to my 1000th post, but when I wrote this one I didn’t realize that this was it. You see there were no balloons or party noisemakers. So this is it number one thousand. Kind of anti-climatic huh?
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
Woow, Northern Lights! You know we see a lot of that phenomena in the horizon at night in Norway, mostly in the winter time. Didn’t know there was a flower named after it!
Btw: I have spreading milk on them might help.
The promise of beautiful blooms to come. Happy Gardening.
That’s a good advert for the Sony Cybershot.
Oh, the northern ligths are stunning! As all Azalea’s are I think!
Funny you should mention the Sony cybershot DCS-H5. I’ve decided to buy the next model H9, but it has not been available any were in the stores right now.
I have one place to order it from that said to get in in their stock the 18th of May, but they have changed it to 21th now. So luckily I can order it tomorrow and get it in a few days!
It’s been tough being without my big baby Samsung DigiMax Pro815 since I sold it…. My old small “point-and-shoot” digicamera is worned out and not function very well any more, so it has been a nightmare.
Great photo! 🙂
I love Azaleas!
Did you check the tag on the azalea?
It may be that it only grows to 2 ft.
The rose should be in full sun and the Azalea should be in partial shade at least so I’m thinking that you have them arranged the way they should be.
Good luck and happy gardening.
I’m so jealous! I planted two azaleas last year and lost them both over the winter. 🙁 I hope you’ll post a picture when this blooms! I love azaleas!