I’m totally loving The News Room. See the post I wrote below about it.
I’ve been going over the News Room site and I found some great video of Paris Hilton going to jail that I put up on Celebrity Scoop. I can really see having a daily entertainment video feature on my celebrity website.
Now I’m going through the site to see if I can find items that Chris can use on Odd Planet (ie weird news) or his music and guitar related site Guitar Licks.
The content that we can put in our sites by using the News Room is fantastic. I’m so happy I joined the site.
Before I go hog wild on this let me ask you something:
If you visit a website that has video on it are you as likely to watch the video if it appears to be something that interests you as you might be to read a plain text post?
I also joined. They have great videos with useful information. I started using them in one of my blogs today.
I’ve heard about The News room all day and will go take a look now. Being lazy by nature I will look at video over reading every time.