Someone stumbled one of my recent posts.
I’m going to end up getting too much traffic on my hosting account! Remember last Thursday all my feverishthoughts.com sites were down for 9 hour? I found out it was a traffic surge that caused the cpu resources to go to high on my account.
I’ve got to switch my account or at least some of my sites over to VPS hosting, but until I do please don’t stumble or digg my posts as the resultant traffic might overload my account.
I guess I should be happy that traffic is so high that I need to think about upgrading my hosting. However, I guess if I’m going to have a traffic surge that overloads my account I’d rather it be real hits and not empty traffic that might not really be interested in the post.
Also, if you get too many hits from a site like stumble and you use Google Adsense on your site you could end up having your Google account canceled due to inflated impressions.
I suspect it was an advertiser that stumbled my post in the hopes of advertising their product to more people. Unfortunately, if my sites go down as a result that post won’t be seen by many.
How do I un-stumble a post???
Just forward that post traffic to me if you want 🙂 I like more traffic it. Even if only a few of the visitors decide to read more I would hope some will decide they like the blog and come back.
Dawud Miracle has a post on this topic too:
If I have to get a hosting account that supports the increased traffic I would be willing to do that.
yeah, john is right. i also wish i had that much traffic… by the way tricia, could you send me the sourcecode for your ben-spark-photo-a-day widget? i know where to get it from but there´s still something wrong with it. it doesn´t update. i would have to copy the code every day….
LOL, I think you are one of the few people I have heard complain about getting traffic – if only I had that problem 🙂
I have heard about the stumbleupon/digg traffic being flaky in terms of real readers though so I can see your point.