I can’t believe the weather we’re having here in Toronto this week. It’s pretty much been in the low 20 Celsius range (70+ F) all week.
It’s hard to believe that just over a month ago I spent a whole day outside shoveling during our worst storm of the year, and that likely in just a few weeks time I’ll be complaining that it’s too hot! LOL
No doubt my husband will decide that this is the perfect weekend to not only pull out the patio furniture and put it together, but I bet he’ll also consider putting in the air conditioners. Each year he does it too early and we end up with a cold spell almost immediately afterwords. I’ll try to hold it off until we get closer to May.
Are you having fantastic weather this weekend?
Thanks for asking: we’ve had the same lovely weather in Oslo, Norway these days too – well maybe not 20C bur at least 15.
In this sunshine I went to see the new Oslo Opera House and shot tons of pics and will post about this cultural sensation the coming days.
Wishing you a lovely end to your week!