Earlier in the week I told you that Chris and I and our dog Midnight went for a walk in Taylor Creek park here in Toronto …
Remember those muddy dog pictures? (you’ve got to see the pics if you haven’t already, I’ve never seen a dog that well coated in mud!) Well. this city park has these big structures beside the highway (the Don Valley 404) that we’ve always called the elephants … well, because they do kind of look like elephants.
See what I mean?
Anyway .. these “elephants” are actually natural water filters. I guess the rain water is supposed to filter down from the tallest structure to the shortest one and by the time it’s been through all three filters the water is totally clean.
The filters are huge. I stood beside them taking pictures and I’d say they are 30 or more feet tall. They seem to be made out of concrete, but there’s probably some other type of material in them as I think the materials used to make concrete would leach into the water.
The area of the park closest to “the Elephants” was the most colorful.
Most of our trees here in Toronto seem to be holding onto their green leaves, but the weathers been fairly cool all week so I’m sure that will change in an instant.
As you can see in the last picture the Sumacs have started to turn that lovely brilliant red. A clear sign of Autumn around here! The bull rushes (Cat Tails) beside them were starting to break up too, spreading their fluffy seed heads all over the place.
It’s supposed to rain this afternoon but if it doesn’t we might try to go to the park with Midnight again … if not maybe we’ll go on Monday. Maybe the forest will be a little more colorful this time round and I’ll come back with some pretty Fall pictures.
Have the leaves started to turn in your area yet?
What an interesting filtration system. Yes, they do look like elephants. I’d love to visit Toronto. I spent one of many birthdays in Niagara Falls and I must say that I met some of the nicest people there.
The clock made up of flowers was magnificent and I saw some of the most beautiful flowers and gardens in the world! My husband and I stayed at the Sheraton Falls View and I had my birthday meal at the rotating restaurant. I enjoyed it tremendously and of course concerning the Falls, no words can adequately describe it!
Well, here in Atlanta, the leaves are starting to turn just a little. I love to watch the leaves turn…it’s just Beautiful.
How interesting. I was just reading another blog that I follow from Austrailia, and their blog today was about an unusual elephant creation they had photographed. How unusual is that?
The ‘elephants’ are very unusual – but a great idea. At first when I saw the picture I thought perhaps they were the beginnings of a ‘topiary’ to be covered in ivy…
Yes, our leaves are starting to turn, but are not as brilliant as yours.
Drop by to see my lovely rose 🙂
Those water filters are very artistic.
Funny elepthants! I love how creative people sometimes are. It’s so surprising. I love surprises 🙂
Great fall colors. Yes, it’s getting fall here too, but since it’s raining cats and dogs, it isn’t much chance that we get our to take some shots… *giggles*
Weird but cool filtration system. And no leaves turning here yet in my part of Ohio. 🙁
Here, in Argentina, we are sooooo far from these kids of things… And I’m not talking about creativity, but about consciousness.
i like the idea behind those filtration systems. 🙂 i wonder though if they ever get clogged, and how they get cleaned if ever…
the elephants look so real. love these photos.
That’s a very interesting design. They don’t look like flitration systems to me at all (with that artistic structure). But I guess anything is possible.
Looking forward to your photos of the forest! Bet that would look beautiful!
Dear, The elephant filters look great.. and you know what we dont have autumn here in Kerala (India) 🙂
Wow, those are great, it is always a pleasure to see people create with right brain aesthetics.
The ‘elephants’ are very unusual – but a great idea. At first when I saw the picture I thought perhaps they were the beginnings of a ‘topiary’ to be covered in ivy…