I’m grumpy and not feeling well again today. I know … I’m always not feeling well (thanks Crohns), but it just seems like the past few weeks have been worse than normal.
I’m actually starting to wonder if I might be getting the flu or something. Last week I had a few days that I had sneezing sessions – like 5 to 10 sneezes in a row. Now that leaves you feeling weird, even if it does kind of clear your head!
The sneezes seem to have stopped, but yesterday and today I’ve had really bad stomach cramps – worse and different from normal. Plus I’ve been nauseated as well. Yes I do occasionally get slightly nauseated with the Crohn’s, but this is worse than normal. At 5 a.m. I really thought I was going to have to run to the bathroom because I felt so bad.
So it’s either the flu or my Crohn’s is worse than ever. Oh and when I do get the flu or a cold it seems to drag on forever, probably because the Crohn’s has my immune system in high gear so it’s fighting the germs but very slowly losing the battle. I’d rather have 24 hour flu’s and 48 hour colds like I used to! Either way I’m not doing much. I run a number of blogs and I must say between my husband being sick and my not feeling well my blogs have been badly ignored.
What have been doing is simply lying on the couch watching TV. Unfortunately a lot of the shows that I normally watch have been running re-runs lately or have been canceled due to those darn award shows. During the day I watch a few channels that play old sitcoms. Trouble is that I’ve seen some of the shows oh … maybe 50 times in my lifetime! LOL Oh and the commercials! One station puts on a commercial for technical colleges and schools at every commercial break. Ahhhh … don’t they have any other advertisers?
Anyway I’m sorry that I haven’t been writing as much lately and that when I have it’s been either about my or my husbands health. At least blogging about these things seems to help get it off my chest.
Oh … Chris went back to work today. He should be home soon. It looks like his day was going well, at least from the time he called me this afternoon to check in. Hopefully he won’t have any more chest pains or dizzy spells. I’d hate to get another phone call that he’s been admitted to the hospital again.
Hope you feel better. We’ll be here when everything is right to blog on a regular basis!