I think my neighbors are moving out next week. Yeah!!!
They moved into the house next to us in early January and it’s been one thing after another with them since! Ok … they’re nice enough when you talk with them, but honestly some of the things they do just drive me nuts or make me shake my head in wonder!
I wrote about them a while ago on one of my other blogs- how they don’t really take care of their Lab/ American Bulldog mix puppy, how the guy bought a third car – a boat of a car (Buick Regal) and now every second month it’s parked in the driveway … well wedged in our tiny shared driveway so that we can’t access the driveway or side of the house from the front … and so on.
Then there’s the tires! In the past month the guy has rolled a total of eight tires into their backyard. What he’s planning on doing with them I don’t know, but there they sit with weeds growing in and around them. LOL
Oh and I’m sure many of you know that we’re having a garbage and city workers strike here in Toronto? It’s been more than a month! All residents are supposed to hold on to their recycling, but the city has set up temporary dumps (much to the dumps neighborhoods dismay) so we can still get rid of our real garbage. You know, the smell stuff!
Has our redneck neighbor taken any garbage to a dump site? Nope! There’s maybe 6 bags of smell garbage sitting in the driveway along side their house and uh … 12 to 15 bags of recycling … all of it smelly!
I can’t open the windows at the side of the house because of their smelly garbage and all the flies it’s attracting.
We’ve asked them several times, politely, if there were going to take their garbage to a dump site soon. As it turns out the guy is a little scared to take it because some of the dump sites have huge delays and the strikers and residents get into scuffles. I still think it’s time he tries taking the worst smelling of the trash away. It’s becoming a health hazard!
We’ve only got two bags of recycling. We try to be efficient and given the strike we try not to buy a lot of prepackaged stuff so we’ll have less to recycle. We also only had two bags of garbage and Chris has taken those to dump sites when they were full.
Now that we know the neighbors are about to move we’re wondering if they are going to take all their garbage with them or just leave it there. Unfortunately I suspect they’ll leave it. They are apparently going on a trip to the Outer Banks once they move … so even if they take their garbage with them I guess it will sit at their new rental home until they return. Argh.
It’s so frustrating living beside people that just don’t care about the home they’re living in or about the neighbors. I guess since they are renters and know they aren’t staying nothing matters to them.
Do you have redneck neighbors too?
By far you do win with having the most red neck neighbor. Though I’ll let you know regarding what I’ve had to deal with in the past… besides a hole family with mullets & having more broken down car’s up on blocks in their drive way than they have kids. I personally don’t know if they are waiting on finding out that a rusty ’81 Fire bird is going to be able to get traded in for gold? or if having weeds higher than your fence line is considered a privacy curtain like most people use their shrubbery plants for. Another great thing is “you might be a red neck when you use your week end fire pit as a swimming pool for the kids on the week end.” and trust me they did use their fire pit/mud hole as a swimming pool.
Good luck with the neighbors I hope you will have better luck than I did in the past.