Do Follow Bloggers
This is a list of blogs that have removed the nofollow tags from the comment area on their blogs. By removing this tag, or using the Do Follow WordPress plugin (or other similar plugins for WP) to remove the no follow tag, these bloggers are making the links that their visitors leave when they sign a comment count towards back links for their site.
The more “real” links that you have on websites, the better for your site as the search engines will count these links towards your sites popularity and it might help boost your sites page rank.
This site, and our other blogs, have been using Lucia’s Linky Love do follow plugin, but that site seems to be down and the plugin hasn’t been updated for two years, so I switched to the NoFollow Free WP plugin on some of my sites and it works in a similar manner as Lucia’s Linky Love. These are wordpress plugins. I do not know of any plugins for other blogging platforms, but if you do a search on Google you can find out how to change Blogger (blogspot) blogs and other blogging platform blogs to dofollow.
There’s been a rash of human generated comment spam in the last couple of years – especially for Do Follow blogs, and these last two plugins that I’ve mentioned allow you to set how many comments a visitor needs to leave (with same domain url and or email address) before their comment link will follow. You can reward your regular loyal readers much better with this plugin. Most of the other do follow plugins simply make all comment links dofollow.
Important – This site uses Lucia’s Linky Love plugin – that’s why the links do not follow for those who are visiting this site for the first time and have only left a couple of comments. I’ve been getting snarky comments lately about this site not following and that’s simply not true.
Note: Many of the comments below are from new visitors so they do not follow. If the person has become a regular visitor their comments will follow when they’ve left enough comments on this blog.
Leave a comment stating that you’d like to join the list. Some people just write to tell me that they are a Do Follow blogger and I’m not sure that they want to join the blogroll or not. LOL
I have an email with full instructions on adding a blogroll to a number of different types of blogging software, all you have to do is follow the directions when I respond to your comment by email! I’ll check your site later to see that you have the blogroll up on your site and only then will I add your site to the list of Do Follow Blogs.
To get on the Do Follow List:
- Your site must not use the nofollow tag
- You must be willing to place the blogroll on your site in order to join.
- The blogroll is to be placed in your sidebar or on a page of your site that is linked to in the sidebar.
- Your site should also have a fair amount of regular posts and not be too young. Blogs that are 3 months and older will be accepted if they are suitable.
- I’ve had a number of people asking to join the list and their site is brand new with only two or three posts. I want active sites on this list and a site with only a few posts on it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll still be posting in it next month. However a site that has three solid months of regular posts is probably written by a blogger who will continue to work on the site. So please, make sure your site has a lot of regular posts in it before you apply to join the list. If you maintain other blogs that are older than 3 months I’ll consider adding a newish site.
- Also – if your site has comments closed to only registered members, only blogspot members or members of a particular site (ie xanga, livejournal) they cannot truly be considered a Dofollow blog as the link would only go to their profile and not their actual site. Moderated comments are fine, but as I said, as site with comments closed to site membership do not qualify.
- I shouldn’t have to say this, but I’m only accepting blogs on the blogroll – not websites.
- Your blog should also be written in English or have a large portion of English posts as the majority of Do Follow List members have blogs that are written in English.
Also, if you are leaving me a comment, but haven’t yet added the blogroll to your site, or learned how to take the nofollow tags off your blog – please don’t include a list of your blogs in your comment. Comments that include several links go to spam and it’s a little more work to pull them out of spam and reply to them. Also .. if you list your sites I tend to check them .. if I don’t really have to do that yet I’d rather wait until you are all ready for me with blogroll and “follow” tags in place – so let me know you want to be a do follow blogger and I’ll send you the email with the instructions and blogroll code then give me your list of sites when you reply to the email (and the blogroll has been added to your site(s). Thanks!
This page was originally created in April of 2007, but I respond to the comments that are left almost daily. Do not be afraid that you are leaving a comment on an old post that won’t be read. I reply to almost all comments. There could be a delay in my reply though so don’t worry … I’m just really busy! I run several blogs and websites so a wait of a week for a reply is not uncommon. Sorry.
** Also, if by chance you join the list and decide to go back to being a nofollow blog at a later date please have the courtesy to tell me. Please?
Zorn was kind enough to make us some special graphic logos to use with the blogroll.
If you’d like to use one of these logos above your copy of the blogroll, or in your link to your Do Follow blogroll page please feel free to save the one of your choice to your computer. Do not link to the image – that’s hotlinking and I will not appreciate it at all. Just right click over the image and save it to your computer and then upload it to your server. Ok?
here are your choices: