If you don’t have a lot of room in your garden, nor time to give special care to plants you should consider getting The Fairy rose.
It’s a small shrub rose, only about two feet high with tiny roses that cover the branches several times each season with lovely pink blooms.
The only thing this little rose lacks is scent.
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They are lovely, but I think I’d rather have scent. Happy GTS,
LOL well I can understand that. If you’re only going to grow a few roses I’d bet most would wanted scented roses.
I have over 60 rose plants though, and while most are scented to some degree, but a few like the one above don’t seem to have any scent. I can live with that with so many scent roses and other scented plants around.
looks so delicate! … and it’s low maintenance? I think this variety is for me!
happy GTS
ths roses reming me of something…u can have strenght and weaknesses and u cant have it all…like ths rose its so beautiful but with no scent…
They have a nice “fullness” to them – beautiful!
Such a pretty little rose. It’s sweet even without a sweet scent.
I’m not a huge rose fan but these are very pretty. Happy GTS!
so nice i love it when ther is one imperfection in the beauty then the beauty is even prettier:>
This rose is certainly pretty.
Sara from farmingfriends
Low maintenance and so beautiful? Perfect for me!
Do they also grow in different colors??
I am already planning next years garden and hope to include this beautiful rose!