Remember all those sunflowers that I had to chop down to only three feet in early September because I got a citation from the city saying they were too tall?
Well, they lived after they were brutally chopped and they’ve continued to produce blooms.
I really thought the sunflowers would die after having half their height or more chopped off, but they survived. I suppose if they were the kind that only produced one flower they wouldn’t have made it, but the kind I grow has multiple flower heads and stems.
Are your sunflowers still blooming?
Update – the story about how and why we had to cut down our sunflowers is here and here.
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Lovely closeup. Oh, I hadn’t heard of that chopping order. How silly it sounds. I hope they had a valid reason for it and not just “that it shall not”.
My post is very greenish today….
guess it was a good thing you were forced to chopped them to half their size!
what a gorgeous macro shot!
i’m so glad your sunflowers have survived!
I love how your sunflowers defied the citation and not only lived, but flowered!
We’ve had several frosts now and so the garden is looking rather dead these days.
This is still lovely. You should see the photos on my blog – art from frost-killed sunflowers. They were fun to take though
And the macro is great.
Great shot. Happy GTS,
Lovely shots,
mine is up at
My Two Cents Worth Hope you can visit me too.
Beautiful picture. Unfortunately, our sunflowers got hit with very low temps.
They are on their last legs now.
I can’t beleive the city made you cut your sunflowers in half.
Do they have a special flower police department?
I’m glad your sunflowers survived.
I can’t grow them because my dogs eat them.
Don’t ask.
Maybe your city should hire my dogs.
Awesome Post. Beautiful sunflower in Macro shot.
This is wonderful news! I am so glad they are still blooming.
That is ridiculous you had to chop them down because the flowers were too tall. I guess they were really tough flowers to have survived that. Nice picture. I’m glad your flowers made it.
I can’t believe that the city would be upset that flowers were too high. Do they have a law there regulating flowers?
Man, I’m sorry you have to deal with small-minded people like that. Sunflowers are beautiful and people should like to see them.
I had a similar experience, I was getting too much shade in my veggie garden because of my volunteer sunflowers, so I chopped them heavily, and they just branched out and kept blooming. Next year I’ll have to make tougher choices! My post is here: