Wordless Wednesday
The last one in the hot tub is … a chicken? Gets stuffed?
Can you come up with a better caption?
Don’t forget to check out our other WW posts on As the Garden Grows, My World and Tricia’s Musings!
Odd news, Strange Animals, Funny pictures, Dumb Criminals
by Chris
Wordless Wednesday
The last one in the hot tub is … a chicken? Gets stuffed?
Can you come up with a better caption?
Don’t forget to check out our other WW posts on As the Garden Grows, My World and Tricia’s Musings!
[…] Don’t forget to check out our other WW posts on Tricia’s Musings, My World and Odd Planet! […]
[…] Don’t forget to check out our other WW posts on As the Garden Grows, Tricia’s Musings and Odd Planet! […]
4 birds in hot tub. Birds just wanna have fun.
Not mine … But read somewhere ..
4 chicks in a hot tub
Hahahahahahhahaaa! I really can’ stop laughing!
Oh my! I just can’t stop laughing looking at your picture. Haha… But, where are their heads? Missing in action?
ugh,,,I refuse to have a warm bath there…:)) LOL
The diving chicken Club ??
The diving chicken club ? Hahaha !
Good Shot, reminds me of stories my mom told me of when I was a kid, I used to play w/the chickens too !
LOL I totally needed that laugh today. thanks!
happy WW!
Reminds me of the movie “So I Married An Axe Murderer” when Mike Myers is helping at the butcher shop and he’s giving the meat massages. Funny stuff.
You guys can all laugh, but I had to kill and clean those stinky things when I was growing up! Ugh!! LOL!!!
That is really, very funny! It’s so totally random, that it is really funny.
Hahahhaha thanks for the laughs! you just made my day. Happy ww and happy valentines day!
Hair Cut or Life Cut?
My Little Funny Boy
Chicken soup for the chicken…
“This is one great resort that we all lost our heads!”
“We don’t need shampoo here!…”
“Let’s keep marinatin’!”
“Chicken#1 to Chicken#2: Did I not tell you not to put salt? Now my skin’s all wrinkled :(“
Great photo!
Suggested caption:
“So, you guys wanna go out and get baked tonight?”
(Could change “baked” to “fried”.)
“I’m glad you guys finally quit running around like bloody chickens with their heads cut off.”
Try roasting those birds in that position. LOL. That is very funny.
Lol…poor chicken photos you have here, and hey where’s the head. I think they really enjoyed on the tub without the head LOL.
Well, this poor chicken still got the style even they get baked… enjoying their last style just for a while LOL