Now that’s gotta be a frat prank! Imagine how embarrassed that guy must have been being seen strung up on that tree that way!
I don’t know about you, but I would not want to be that guy duct taped to the tree. Do you know how sticky duct tape is … can you imagine the pain it must have caused when someone finally rescued him and peeled the duct tape off his hands and other exposed skin areas? Ow!
it looks like he has long pants and a long shirt on at least. What I’d be worried about is how HOT he must be! That stuff does not breath and it’s obviously very sunny there…
Notice how everyone is running to his rescue. Oh no wait a minute, lol, looks like they are all just calmly taking it all in. Poor guy, he must have lost a bet.
Yah, his friends are probably the ones that took the photo.
Oh man.. ahhaha this is really hilarious
Really Funny Scene.
Men i cant imagine myself being on that position.
i’d rather be the one to do it to someone. But that’s a too cruel prank, guess i’ll just be an audience.