Ok, now I think I’ve seen everything …
Duct tape shoes? Take a close look – even the shoe laces have been duct taped.
I wonder if this is the poor person or Redneck way of “bronzing” shoes? You have to admit that the shoes kind of do look like a pair of bronzed shoes if you can disregard the fact that they’re silver, of course.
Maybe I’m over thinking this. Perhaps the shoes were just worn or leaky and the owner duct taped them to fix them up but then it got a little out of hand? I don’t know … either way they’re probably water proof now.
What’s your take on these shoes?
This is kind of like wearing a foil hat to keep aliens from reading your thoughts only, in this case, it’s to keep them from knowing your shoe size.
I think this is just ‘A-Team’-merchandise. A typical episode of this great 80s tv show contained about 200 metres of duct tape. –>these shoes are for ‘A-Team’ fans.
My brother used to do this to his shoes when they wore out. I don’t know why, we had plenty of money to buy him new shoes. There is probably some sort of street cred involved.
I don’t see the big deal, he is just trying to keep his shoes nice and clean so that one day when he takes off his tape it is like he has a brand new pair of shoes.;)
Duct tape to the rescue!! lol Excellent site!… The moderators at ZardozZ News & Satire search the web manually for interesting feed content and we came across your site today. Since your material is both interesting and aligned with our readership, we would like to invite you to add your site’s URL to our webring (250+ blogs / sites). If you are interested, you can find further information at the ZZ OpenRing. This is not meant as spam but as a sincere invitation. Hope you’ll join us…!
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awsome shoes and ya i m agree to ur overthiking coment that it would be water proofable. but its not seems like u have seen everything about Redneck shoes!!!
I knew a guy who taped all his cloths had pants and shirts he’d done that to it’s a haha I came up with something so much more interesting then you fashion statement.
They don’t look good for outdoors. These shoes will not look good unless you wear silver-colored apparel, perhaps!?
Years ago I used to race Formula V race cars. On a trip to Laguna Seca my youngest son lost his shoes at a gas station. We made him a pair of shoes from duck tape, he used them until we could hit a Kmart