Well I never thought I’d be eating hemp for breakfast, but that’s just what I did this morning.
Yesterday, my husband and I went out to a bulk food store and we were looking in the bulk cereal section. Hmmm “what’s this?” Hemp Granola? Granola with hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and other goodies. “what the heck, lets try it!”
So, this morning I poured some of the hemp granola into a small bowl. One thing about granola- you don’t need a big serving.
I added:
- a small amount of Demerara brown sugar,
- some raspberry flavoured cranberries,
- poured on some milk
- dolloped two teaspoons of berry flavored yogurt on top
Then I stirred it together. Wow! That was good.
I’m not much of a breakfast person but I’ve been trying to eat healthier. I’m not sure how this is going to sit though. I have crohn’s and fiber is not always a person with inflammatory bowel diseases best friend. So far so good though.
How was your breakfast? What did you have this morning?
I love hemp hearts, I even cook it in a dark chocolate peanut butter cookie recipe for my kids and they love it. I haven’t tried the granola yet, but I will go check my local food bin store and try some, I also try to eat healthier.
I just love hemp like anything. As sometimes hemp can be used for cooking in foods. Hemp seed oil helped my husband to fight against cancer. Now he is 100% fit and fine.