Oh no, not the kind of wandering that you’re thinking. I mean wandering, as in he literally goes outside of our house, presumably on a mission to do something and disappears for hours!
You see, my husband is what is known as a Social Butterfly. He is kind. He is sweet. He sees humor in just about anything. He is a compulsive talker. He’s the kind of guy that will talk to you about anything and everything, whether you want to talk or not. LOL
Whenever he’s outside our house he’s always spotting someone on the street and yelling (and I mean yelling) “Hi Neighbor!” and then running over to them to see how they are or what they are doing. He’s like a friendly dog.
When he leaves the house I never know how long he’s going to be. You would think that if he left to go to the corner store which is two blocks away from our home that he would return within say ten minutes. Nope- not very often. He usually finds someone to stop and talk to on the way to the store, at the store, AND on the way back home. Sometimes a trip to the corner store can take an hour.
At this moment I’m waiting for my forever wandering husband. At approximately 5:30 pm he went to visit one of our neighbors who happens to be an electrician. You see we are trying to finish up one of our many renovation tasks. We are putting in ceiling lights in two of our upstairs bedrooms, and moving the electrical switch in the bathroom so that it’s closer to the door. This project was started two years ago!
Did I tell you my husband is the worlds greatest procrastinator too?
Now, I tend to do my share of the renovation work that we decide to do. I come up with the ideas so I am the chief designer, visionary, and decorator. I do the majority of plastering, painting, staining, varnishing, sanding and finishing touches. But I don’t do electrical work … and neither does my husband it seems!
Two years ago he spent a good month putting new wiring in through the attic and down through the walls of our house, so that we could replace some old knob and tube wiring, and put new lighting in some of our rooms. We purchased the fancy ceiling lighting and set everything up. All that is left to do is to attach the new wiring to the electrical box in the basement and have it inspected and approved by an electrician. Once that’s done we’ll install the lights which I certainly hope work, after all I purchased them two years ago and likely won’t be able to return them if they don’t!
So, for two years approximately 90% of the work has been done. Why I’ve waiting so long for my new lighting upstairs I don’t know. It’s not like I haven’t asked my husband to speak with our neighbor and work towards getting the wiring hooked up and approved.
So that’s what my husband is doing now. He’s gone over to our neighbors- who by the way talks even MORE than my husband does, to see if he can get him to come over and look at the wiring job and show him how to do the final hook-up.
It’s going on 7:00 pm. My wandering husband is 5 houses away- I think! He might be visiting one of our other neighbors by now or standing on the corner talking with people passing by for all I know. Either way he’s been gone for an hour and a half! LOL
I’ll be sending out the search party soon!
Update: 7:20 pm, my laughing husband came home without the neighbor that he’d gone to retrieve. He states he was stuck there helping them. He’s mumbling something about moving things around in their basement. We’re both laughing. He says “you know Tony”, and I say “yeah you’re just like him, the two of you are the worst people in the world to put together and expect to get anything done ’cause of all the talking”. Gosh, what am I gonna do with my wandering husband?
The person you described could be my dad! LOL We know better than to send him to the store for something for dinner because it’ll be like 2 hours before he returns because he’s run into a dozen people he just had to talk to.
Tricia says- your dad and my hubby have a lot in common then! He runs into people in different cities- even different countries that he knows! That’s how much he talks. 🙂