News Shorts … Brrrrr it’s too cold to wear shorts!
My brother came to Toronto for a visit/business trip from Vancouver, B.C. Actually he’s been here twice in the last week. His first visit was a one day trip on Monday so we didn’t get to see him, but this time round he’s here for a few days.
I’ve got 3 brothers and 1 sister. Yeah, I know, 5 of us is a pretty big family these days isn’t it? Three of us live in the Toronto area, one in Ottawa, and of course my visiting brother lives in Vancouver. So it’s tough for us to all get together at one time.
Last night 4 of us, plus spouses and a couple of niece / nephews, managed to get together for dinner and a few drinks afterwords. We had a great little get together and I got a little tipsy from the drinks.
Klutzy too … remember I told you earlier that I’m a big klutz, right? Before the drinks hit me I managed to do my biggest klutz move of the evening. You see, I was eating a very nice dinner- Beef Mango Stir Fry. Very tasty, spicy, mmmmm. I was eating with chopsticks. Somehow … believe me, I don’t know how, honestly, I managed to splash some of the very spice sauce from my meal into my eyeball. Yep, a direct hit!
Nobody noticed at first while I sat there dabbing my eye with a napkin. I slowly started to giggle even though it felt like my eyeball was about to burn out. I was laughing because I was thinking only I could possibly do something this stupid. The more I thought about it the more I laughed (quietly of course) until I had tears streaming down my face.
Naturally laughter is the best medicine and the tears fixed my eye right up.
By this time my family had noticed what was happening and were asking “What did you do? Are you ok” But I know them, and they know me – they are, after all my family, so they were probably really thinking “oh my god, what did she do this time!”
As the drinks hit me, lesser forms of klutziness followed … like almost knocking over glasses or salt and pepper shakers on the table. (several times!)
Speaking of klutz’s did I tell you that I have a box turtle? Well two actually but I’m only going to talk about one of them right now. What does a turtle have to do with being a klutz you ask? No no I didn’t drop him! But if you are thinking that way I guess you are getting to know me better, aren’t ya?

This is my Eastern Box turtle. His name is Spaz. Now you’re getting it. He is also a Klutz, or in his world, a spaz. He thinks he’s a lizard and tries to climb everything! He climbs onto his hide box and I swear if he could he’d climb right out of his terrarium. Now if he was really good at climbing his name wouldn’t be Spaz. He does alright, but he falls backwards into his soft substrate a lot too. Hence the name.
Since it’s almost spring my turtles are starting to wake up and come out of hibernation. Spaz didn’t want to eat his food today, but around 3 am, as I sat here in the dark on the computer I started hearing rattling noises from the terrarium. I checked and the little devil was at his food bowl munching away. So I guess he had a uhm midnight snack.

Update: My neighbor Sofie still continues to watch me from her dining room window- daily! She knocked on my door the other day when she didn’t see me sitting in front of the computer as I often do, just to make sure I was ok. LOL If I was actually being klutzy or doing something else that might be considered entertaining I could probably understand her watching me day in and day out. But, I mean, sitting here on the computer can’t be all that fun to watch. I’m not a T.V.. Heck, I’m sure the T.V. would be more interesting for her to watch than me!
It’s kind of creepy.
Well that wasn’t short news was it? Oh well, you got an update. 🙂
What is the most klutzy thing you’ve ever done? Or if you are like me, what is your most recent klutz attack?
Well as for your neighbor…it is a bit creepy, but kind of sweet at the same time.
Tricia Says- Exactly! She really is the sweetest little old lady and I get mad at myself when I’m frustrated with her. But I really enjoy my privacy, and to think that she’s “spying” on me while I’m inside my house is kinda creepy! LOL