So, did everyone go out and have some fun on St. Patrick’s Day? If you did- How are you feeling today? 🙂 I image some of you are barely functioning.
I didn’t celebrate St. Paddy’s day this year. I didn’t even have a drink! Shame on me- I’m part Irish. I’ve even got the traditional auburn hair and occasionally hot temper to prove it. I should have gone out and had some fun. Oh well, at least I won’t have a hang-over. 🙂
We can’t really afford to go out on the town and party right now anyway, nor did I feel much like it. I’ve been off work due to illness for four months now. I’ve been getting sick pay from my workplace, but it’s not as much as my regular working salary. I’m glad to have the sick pay although, in one week it will run out. I’ll then have to apply for medical coverage from Unemployment, and that money will likely be a little less than my sick pay.
What I really need is to start feeling better soon so I can get my life back on track. Unfortunately I just don’t seem to be getting any better.
I guess what I really need to do right now – other than get better! – is to find a way to make some money from home.
My husband is a talented musician, he plays 13 instruments. I wish he had chosen a career in music so he could use his talents to his advantage. He choose not to pursue a career in music after touring with a few bands as a teenager. He didn’t like the lifestyle after seeing how it affected some of his band mates, and he thought that his love of playing music would eventually die if he did it professionally. He’s content to play for his own enjoyment, and being the life of the party whenever he choose to play at gatherings. He has started giving guitar lessons though, and I’m hoping that that will bring us a little bit of extra income.
As I sit here worrying about money I’m also thinking I’m pretty good at procrastinating. I was asked to write an article for a magazine two weeks ago. The due date is April 1st. I stand to make some pretty good money if they decide to use the article but I haven’t written it as of yet. I do have all the background and research done. I just have to write it. Tomorrow- I will definitely write it tomorrow!
I’m eagerly awaiting my Google Adsense pin number as well. I’ve finally made enough money on my four websites to enable me to receive a check from Google, but I can’t start the process of getting paid by them until the pin number arrives. I know that I can’t really rely on Google Adsense to bring in much income, but one of my sites has been doing very well, and it’s picking up monthly. I can’t count on it to pay the bills, but hopefully it will bring in some extra spending money.
I’ve been thinking that I could possibly make graphics for people. Banners, or headers for their sites. I’ve made websites for others in the past, and have 10 years experience running my own websites – which includes marketing them and getting them to the top of the search engine listings for their topics. What else? I’ve dabbled at touching up old photographs with great success and have restored a number of ancient pictures for friends. I have a full complement of graphic software including Firefox and Adobe Photoshop to work with. I also have a Wacum tablet which helps me do fine art work on the computer. I think if I put my mind to it I could put all of these skills and resources together and make something of it.
What else can I do to make some money from home while I wait to go back to work? Do you have any ideas for me? I’d love to get some feedback.
hello Tricia, I am here to tag you. Sorry. It’s not that bad i promise. Visit my blog to see details.
Our older daughter has been on medical leave from work almost a year now, so I can identify with your situation just a little bit. Sounds like you have quite a few computer skills that could bring in some extra money right now, but it also sounds like you’re a procrastinator, just as I am. Do you have an outline of your article written yet? Have you settled on a title? Why wait until tomorrow!! Find SOMETHING you can start on today, even if it’s just to save a blank file on your desktop that will stare at you! ROFL
OK, talking to myself now … go get busy, girl, and stop blogging!!
Hry, tricia, great blog. I vote for ya every battle I see you in. Keep it up.
I don’t celebrate Irish Day now that I don’t live in Ireland anymore, but I did call home and touch base. =)