Hey all, don’t forget to check out the Blogging Chicks. Michelle has posted a number of submissions by members of the bl0gging chicks in the Carnival of the Bl0gging Chicks post.
One of my posts is listed there today too!
Random Thoughts about life in general, living in the big city of Toronto
by Tricia
Hey all, don’t forget to check out the Blogging Chicks. Michelle has posted a number of submissions by members of the bl0gging chicks in the Carnival of the Bl0gging Chicks post.
One of my posts is listed there today too!
by Tricia
This weeks Theme is LOVE:
This is from my nieces wedding at the end of April. She was just beautiful. I loved that wedding.
Leave a link ONLY if you are a participant of Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt (or a regular commenter on this site):
Anyone leaving a link that is not a participant or a regular will have their link removed!
by Tricia
I’ve been listed on the Bl0gging Chicks Bl0groll for about a month and a half now and I noticed an increase in my traffic since joining the roll. I think it’s about time that I gave something back and made a post about Bl0gging Chicks.
Michelle is one of the creators/ collaborators on the bl0gging chicks website and from what I can tell the chief adder of new sites to the roll. She even added people during her vacation! She’s come up with a wonderful idea that everyone on the Bl0gger Chicks bl0groll can participate in, in order to promote their site and as a way of promoting a recent post that each participant is proud of creating.
Every Sunday a Carnival of The Bl0gging Chicks will be held. If you are listed on the Bl0gging Chicks roll you can submit the url for one of your recent posts along with a summary of said post, and Michelle will list it in the Carnival of Bl0gging Chicks post each Sunday.
Between the roll itself and now the Sunday Carnival this is a wonderful way for bl0gging women to get some extra traffic to their sites and to promote posts that they want the world to see. Why don’t you join the roll and start promoting your site through this wonderful venue.
by Tricia
Oh My, I started a new meme! Want to join me?The official home of Oh La La Friday is on my other site Odd Planet. Please visit Odd Planet for instructions on how to play and how to get your site listed on the Oh La La bl0groll.
It’s simple really. Just post a picture on Friday of something that makes you say “Oh La La”. In other words, something that makes you drool, something delicious, delightful, gorgeous, daring … You get the picture? No pornography though.
If you want to participate send me an e-mail or leave a comment at Odd Planet and I’ll send you the blogroll code and add you to the roll when you have posted the roll on your site. Participants must play at least once a month to remain on the roll.
Fridays may not be the best day for this meme. If you want to participate but don’t want it to be on a Friday please let me know. The other day I was thinking of was perhaps Tuesday. What do you think?
I’m also starting another meme over at As the Garden Grows called Greenthumb Sunday. It will be for gardeners, house plant enthusiasts, and nature lovers. Participants can post pictures of the plants they grow or lovely nature scenes and landscapes. If you want to get in on that meme head on over to As the Garden Grows.
Now, without further ado, here is my first Oh La La Friday entry:
Leave a link and a comment if you are participating in Oh La La Friday. Thanks!
by Tricia
Yes you read that correctly!
I was surfing on bl0gmad today and I came across a site with a similar post as to what I’m currently writing. Unfortunately I can’t remember who’s site it was that I was visiting at the time otherwise I would link to them. If I figure it out I’ll link. Anyway, the posting led me to another site created by John Scott. His site is called Internet Marketing Bl0g and back in March he decided to create a contest that would encourage other sites to link to and write about lesser known bl0gs. His post is called “Clean up on aisle three”.
You can enter his contest by making a comment on the Clean up on aisle three post. If your site qualifies you could win up to $100 just for entering and playing along. The winning site will win $3000! He plans to give away a total of $10,000 between the $100 winners and the $3000 winner. To qualify you need to link to, and write about other bl0gs that are not in technoratis top 100 sites.
Easypeasy for moi! I’ve been writing about and rating just about all the sites that have bid to rent my bl0g for several months now. Not only here, but on Odd Planet as well. Just look at my latest posts on this site and on Odd Planet. Ha! I’m in! 🙂
John’s contest officially began March 1st and he plans on announcing a winner and awarding the prizes 6 months after the start of the contest. So I think that would be about August 1st.
Since March 1st I have done mini-articles or added links in my posts to 163 sites. That’s only Tricia’s Musings total. On Odd Planet I’ve rated or linked 55 sites, plus another 17 in the one contest I ran over there. For a grand total of 235 site articles and links NOT counting all of the “Mr. Linky” Links on the Memes.
Have you been rating sites that you like, ones that bid on your site, or talking about sites that have interesting posts on your own bl0g? If you have you might qualify for this contest too.
Update – I removed the links in this post because I was unable to find a post about the winners of the contest so I’m not certain that this was a true contest. Might have just been a link baiting scam.