I spent part of Saturday creating three new blogrolls that I think some of you might be interested in joining.
I’ve been busy trying to think of ways to get more traffic to my site and gain readers, and I’ve found that through the blogrolls that I’ve joined and participate on that I’ve not only gained traffic, but I’ve gained some regular visitors too. Along the way I think I might even have made a few friends.
I thought I’d give some of that back to the blogging community by creating a few blogrolls that people might like to join.
The first is the Fabulous Photoblogs blogroll. When I started my photoblog I went looking for sites to get listed on and I found very few that were specifically for photoblogs. There also isn’t any blogrolls that only photoblogs can join. well, if there is I didn’t find them, and I did search. As of this moment I have the only photoblog on the roll but I do hope that others are interested as it would be a great way for all of us to keep track of the great photo posts that the photoblogs are doing.
The next two blogrolls are also very specific rolls:
Toronto Bloggers blogroll – open to any bloggers that come from the GTA area, who post regularly and who fit in with the other guidelines in order to qualify for a spot on the blogroll.
I am Canadian blogroll – Calling all Canadian bloggers. Lets keep track of each other and build a small community of blogs. You can join this blogroll if you live in Canada or your an expat Canadian.
I’m thinking of creating one more blogroll that is less specific. One that would be open to most everyone that updates their site regularly and who don’t have offensive material on their site. Would you be interest in being listed on a general blogroll? If you would, you would of course need to put the blogroll on your site in order to maintain your listing.
If you want me to start yet another blogroll let me know. I’d also appreciate it if you helped me come up with a great name for it. It’s 4 a.m. right now and my brain is a little fried. Hmmm, I’m just looking at the title of this post and perhaps we should call a new blogroll the Blogmania blogroll?
The post below is also connected to a blogroll that I started about a month ago. The Green Thumb Sunday blogroll. If you are a gardener and want to participate on that blogroll and the meme attached to it let me know.
Ok I’m all blogged and rolled out (gee, it took me a minute to type the first 6 words!). I must sleep now. Good night. zzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzz