I just realized that our Brazilian boarder is going home tomorrow and I haven’t even written a rant post about him. What a change.
It’s not that he’s been a perfect boarder, but he certainly was better than the first two that we had. The first boarder slept all the time and seemed depressed. We just couldn’t connect with him at all. The second boarder was manipulative and lied continuously. I still have nightmares featuring the second boarder. **Shudder**
The only problems that we’ve had with this Brazilian student has been that he goes out with his new friends a lot lately every night. Now that’s not bad, in fact I kind of like it because we have the benefit of having a boarder and the extra income but the boarder isn’t around. No, what bothers me about him being out is that he doesn’t call and let us know whether he’ll be coming home for dinner or not. His room and board includes dinner so I’m obligated to provide a meal for him, but it’s kind of hard to figure out whether I should be planning a meal for two – me and Chris – or for three when he doesn’t let me know whether he’ll be home.
The other complaint is that all of the products he uses are extremely scented from his deodorant to his shaving cream. That’s a problem because I seem to be very sensitive to scented products. I get immediate intense migraines when I’m subjected to scented products like perfume or cologne, and occasionally I start having trouble breathing and have to use my puffer.
By tomorrow evening we’ll have our home back to ourselves. We had wanted to get another short stay boarder but we haven’t had any luck with the “English studies” agencies. None of them seem to be looking for home stay parents right now. I wanted to have another boarder for October and November and then have the house to ourselves for the whole month of December. I really don’t want to have a homesick student around at Christmas time.
Monday is our Canadian Thanks Giving day. On Sunday we’ll be going to my husbands parents house for a Thanks Giving get together, but I’m not sure what we’re doing on Monday. I might invite my sister and her kids over and cook us a nice Turkey with mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes and carrots, and peas. If I do that, I suppose we’ll have a pumpkin pie too. Yum. Yeah I think I’m going to do it.
Are there any other Canadians out there that are going to family gatherings this weekend?
Well, I guess it was good that he wasn’t much trouble, but I feel oddly let down that there was not more drama surrounding his stay.
I know what would perk me up. Wake up neighbors for karaoke!
Well I was very happy to not be upset all of the time because of things the boarder was doing. The last boarder still visits me in nightmares she was that bad! Now our Brazillian is gone … he’s on a plane right now.
I think you are a saint for having a boarder. I don’t know if I could do it. I would be a wreck. My inlaws had a couple of exchange students in the past. One for a whole year and she drove them crazy!