Ok raise your hand if you typed a strange search term over at Google or yahoo or whichever search engine you use and it brought you here. Alright, not that many hands in the audience. Sigh of relief.
I’d really like to know who -and more importantly – why? someone was searching for jewels embedded eyeballs – **ewwww* – and how that ended up bringing them to my site?
That search brought the sadist to my post Sqeaky clean golden girl where I talked about preparing for a colonoscopy and, at the time, an upcoming MRI and somehow went off on a tangent. Gee when do I ever do that? The tangent led me into a discussion about how, when I used to be a jeweller, I ended with gold stuck in my eyeballs quite often.
Now I know that a tiny little sliver of gold stuck in your eyeball hurts like hell. When that would happen to me when I was cutting designs in gold with a diamond flywheel or my diamond cutting machine I’d make my way as best as I could to the optometrist that happened to work in the same building with my eye watering like mad and me trying not to blink too much as that would have made the situation worse.
So if a tiny sliver of gold is extremely painful in your eyeball think about how painful a ruby or a 1/4 carat diamond would be! Geez what was that person thinking searching for jewels embedded eyeballs? Were they searching for people with gems in their eyes or eyeball ornaments that had jewels embedded in them?
Is this going to be some new, and likely short lived, fashion trend? If it is- well remember folks, you heard about it here first.
GorillaSushi says
People find my site by searching on fun topics like “captain kirk awesome” and “explosive diarrhea”. Who searches this stuff??
p.s. My jewel encrusted eyeballs are on backorder.
pamela says
the eyeball is the most vulnerable organ yet it is the quickest to heal.
just a little trivia for you ๐
and hey where were your safety glasses?
I do metalwork too, I’m too cheap for gold tho…
Rev. Qelqoth says
My god, some of the stuff I get is absolutely fantastic but jewel encrusted eyeballs? That’s a winner right there! ๐
Tricia says
Oh yes, I always wore safety goggles but even if they were fairly tight to my face there was always bit of a gap and an errant sliver of gold occasionally bounced inside the glasses … or the gold would be in my hair, on my shoulders and clothing and when I’d take off the goggles gold would fall from my hair (or even eye brows and forhead) and get in my eye.
Tricia says
Rev – that’s exactly why I felt the need to write a post about it. LOL
I’ve got two interesting searches on my photoblog (Breath of Life photography) today. Someone’s been searching for:
– Brick Breath (maybe they mean brick breadth)
And one that will get the Fabs attention:
– Breath by Fabulous
Oddness! Speaking of Oddness – I check the stats on Odd Planet regularly as well and suprisingly very few searches are odd- at least by Odd Planets terms anyway.
Sans Pantaloons says
After mucho searching, I found a jewelled eyeball Here
Hopefully the above link will embed OK…
Roy says
In days gone,past prosthetic eyeballs were made of precious metals, and some of them were encrusted with jewlery. I’ve yet to find any pictures on the internet, but wanted to answer your question while I’m here. ๐