Wow, I debut in my second internet video EVER!
P is one of the best companies I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Honest. I’m not just saying that. Almost ever week lately there’s been an opportunity to make a fun video of some kind. This week Ted, Aka Antonio the master impressionist, decided to challenge his bloggers to make a Catfish impression video that rivals his. Now his was really good. I’m not sure mine is quite up there with his, but it’s pretty good.
The other reason why I’m enjoying P is because it’s getting me to do things that in all my years on the internet I’ve never done before and that’s – show my face! Not a big deal for most of you out there but I don’t even like having my picture taken, so actually showing myself in a video is a BIG deal.
So, here it is my impression of a catfish!
And to immortalize my embarrassing catfish impression I’ll give you a photo of it too: