Wow, Monday must have been a big day for me since I keep writing about it. Actually, I guess it was since I haven’t been getting out much lately. Oh boy! A trip to the doctors, two drug stores, a hardware / automotive store (Canadian Tire), and then back home again. That’s a big day for me lately. I know, it’s sad, but true.
Anyway, enough about me, I’m ranting here!
During our trip to the first drug store I got some prescriptions filled. Often if you have other products the pharmacy clerk will ring them in for you right at the pharmacy counter, but yesterday, even though there were four Pharmacy workers behind the counter they didn’t. They sent us up to the cashiers at the front, where naturally only one cashier was working.
A group of three women were in front of us. One middle aged, one slightly older and then there was grandma. They stood near the end of the cashiers counter and had their products rung in. Unfortunately they also had a baby in a huge stroller between the three of them and my husband and I. So, even though they weren’t actually standing at the counter space where the next customer might put down the products they were about to purchase, we still couldn’t get there to put our stuff down because of the baby in the stroller – the one that the three women were totally ignoring.
The store was having a sale on the 12 packs of pop, so my strong husband was carrying two 12’s in one hand, and a third 12 in his other hand. I was holding my prescriptions and a few other products – namely some store brand benadryl since my meds are making me itch all the time now.
After 10 minutes were were getting a little tired of this. It seems the ladies had made their purchases, but they were taking turns having their lotto tickets checked to see if they’d won the big one, and if they found out that they’d won a free ticket, or a few dollars they were then standing there picking out their new numbers and having the cashier put the new tickets through.
Finally, Chris, who doesn’t get frustrated easily, moved the babies stroller forward, saying something to the effect of “I hope you don’t mind ladies, but my arms are getting tired” and he proceeded to put the three 12’s of pop on the counter.
One of the ladies had been staring at me on and off while they purchased their items and lotto tickets. When my husband moved the carriage she really gave me a mean stare. Why me- I didn’t do it. I guess it was the look of frustration on my face that attracted her attention.
I think they were just rude. I’m sure if it had been Chris and I standing there blocking the aisle that someone would have said something, and I’m certain that the lady that was staring me down would have put up a fuss.
I hate it when people are rude. Don’t you? Tell me about your latest encounters with rude people.