How do you feel about credit cards? Are you the time of person that pays off your balance every month, or do you just pay the minimum amount that you have to pay? Or worse – do you fail to make some of your payments and end up getting into trouble with the credit card company?
I’ve been all of the above at one time or another. Currently I’m the type who either pays off the balance or more than the minimum asked for each month. It was a very hard lesson to learn.
Lucky for you, Credit Cards GB, has a wonderful site where you can get credit card advice if you are starting to have trouble with your cards, or if you just want to learn more you can read the credit card news for the latest credit card information.
The site lists the many different types of credit cards that you can get, including ones with 0% balance transfers. Check the site out if you want to get a card, or want to learn how to manage the cards you have better.