I’m such a klutz. I’ve only been on a treadmill a few times and things went ok, but you know, I think I’ve become clumsier as time goes on.
This would totally be me on a treadmill:
Do any of you use a treadmill?
Or one of those elliptical machines? Now that’s one that I’m afraid to try. I’m sure I’d mess it up.
Stormdrane says
Haha, funny video. I bought a treadmill in 1996 when I was diagnosed with diabetes, used it for about 6 months, lost about 60lbs, and didn’t use again untill 2000. I used it for about a year and alternated with weightlifting and healthy eating and lost 85lbs. Since then I’ve gained the weight back and the old treadmill is covered in dust and cobwebs out in the garage. It needs a new belt and I need motivation to use it. Ttreadmills work, but only if you use them, and keep using them.