Since the day I began working with the blog advertising company Pay/perp0st I’ve had pretty much nothing but praise for them. Regular readers of this site know that I’ve been stuck at home because of my illness and that I desperately needed to find a way to make some kind of income from home. I discovered them just at the right time in my life and since October I’ve managed to make literally thousands of dollars by writing the occasional post on three of my blogs.
Pay/perp0st started up in July of 2006 and each month they continue to grow. They now have 15,000+ bl0ggers working with them writing sp0nsored content on their blogs for all kinds of advertisers.
Small bloggers and big bloggers alike can do well by working with P. That’s right, even if you’ve only been blogging for a short period of time you can sign up for Pay/perp0st and start making some money. Of course your site must be at least three months old and it must have more than 20 posts with no gaps of 30 or more days in the last 90 day period in order to qualify.
Opportunities range from $5 per post to as much as $2,500. Yes, that’s right. The highest price post I’ve ever seen on Pay/perp0st has been for $2,500 and in fact I’m the lucky one who’s writing it now. My hands are shaking and numb as I type this post because I can’t believe that I qualified for this opportunity. I would of course have written a post like this for pay/perp0st absolutely free of charge because they’ve been an excellent company to work with and they treat their bloggers very well.
They are fairly responsive to their bloggers needs. The site is still in Beta so they add new features to the site regularly. Sometimes we praise them, and other times we complain loudly. They listen to what we say and try to make their site work well for both advertiser and bloggers.
If you site is newish and you don’t have a page rank yet – don’t worry. There are many advertisers out there who create opportunities for small blogs every day. Blogs that have achieved some page ra/nk and other forms of ra/nk can of course get paid quite well by some of the advertisers posting opportunities.
Another thing that I like about working with Pay/perp0st is that I can pick which opportunities that I’d like to write. In that way, I can often find opportunities that suit my blogs quite well, and provide my readers with new sites to visit and or shop at through the opportunities that I write about on my sites.
Won’t you come and join me at Pay/perp0st? You can write daily or monthly – it’s up to you, but no matter how often you choose to write I guarantee you one thing – you will make some extra money.
Update: Thank you so much for all the congrats on this post everyone. I’m still shocked!
Seems as though congratulations are in order for you as well! Bravo!
Congrats on getting the post!
Wow, $2500? That’s really incredible … very nice work indeed.
Nice score Tricia!
Thank you! I’m totally in shock! My husband and I are still shaking our heads and asking “did that really happen”?
To qualify for the post the blogger had to have a PR3 blog, and an Alexa score under 100,000 as well as a Technorati score under 1000. Tricia’s Musings just just happened to qualify.
We really needed this money badly. Remember I did that Camera pill test – it cost about $1200 and early this morning I paid out over $1000 in bills … now it’s equalized I guess!
Still shaking!
We did open a bottle of nice wine to celebrate. I can’t really drink so I expect I’ll be quite smashed soon. LOL
Congrats Tricia!
Woo woo! Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal! Congrats, sweetie! Have another glass of wine!
Congrats! It seems like this opp was perfect timing.
haha and now we both sit and wait for 30 days to pass by! =)
Congratulations are in order for sure! How exciting! It’s nice to know that there are posties out there that are able to take those super high opps.
I’m happy for you! What an exciting day all around at P!
Wow! That’s amazing. Congrats.
Wow, Tricia, Congratulations!!!
I just woke up >.
Forgot to thank P for creating this wonderful blogging opportunity!
You are really good. Congrats!
Congrats girl! 🙂
Congrats, Tricia! I am so thrilled for you!
I am shocked too that the folks at P have given such a high paying opp.
Well done and congrats!
Wow, that’s huge. Congrats on hitting the jackpot.
Ooooooh GURL!! That is the most amazingly awesome thing I’ve ever heard of! And it couldn’t have happened to a nicer–more deserving lady! I’m am just thrilled for you! I’m expecting another “Blog” par-tay!!!
Just adding my congrats, with my luck I would’ve gotten the opp & then my internet connection would’ve gone out, I bet it was nerve wracking. Congrats!
My comment disappeared!! I just wanted to say that this is the most amazingly awesome thing I’ve seen! I didn’t even see the Op earlier–and it couldn’t have happened to a better lady! Congrats–and I’m thinking another “Blog” Par-tay is in order!!
Wooooowww! I was surprised to see this morning your name already up at top 2 earners! I was like.. “did Tricia get the 1K Tuesdays opp?” but I figured it can’t be coz it was only 1K hehehe… but wowww something more than 1K! you deserve it and I’m so happy for you! 🙂
Congrats, Tricia! Happy for you 🙂
Congratulations, Tricia! This opp was hand-made for you!
Just wanted to add my congratulations to everyone else’s … You should run a Technorati masterclass for us 😉
Owen that’s a good idea. I think. I’m not 100% sure how I got my technorati rank to be so low, but I’ll write a post about Technorati and what I’ve done in the past year that likely contributed to my rank.
Robyn – By blog Party do you mean like what I did when Tricia’s Musings turned a year old? Yeah I might do that. Gotta get some cyber champagne first. LOL
SaraKastic – I was very worried that my internet connection would fizzle or that P would give me a huge error like it had been doing on and off all day. During one of the Puzzle contests my internet connection got slower than a dial up connection – now that was bad luck!
Skeet – I did have another glass of wine. I did!
Lynn – yes it was perfect timing. I’ve needed something like this to happen for a while. As long as that op gets approved we’re in good shape for a while!
Thanks again everyone for the tremendous response. I was actually a little worried that some people might be upset that I manage to get such a great writing opportunity. I suppose it’s possible that some people are – but I have worked hard to get my site ranks to where they are and I guess it paid off big time yesterday.
Thank you!
Hey Tricia, I wanted to also congratulate you! Good for you.
Congrats on the cool opp! Glad it’s going to help with some rough bill paying time, sounds like excellent timing!
Congrats! I’m so glad that an opp like this went to someone like yourself.
good job. Keep it up!
I still can’t believe how many of you took the time to stop in and congratulate me on getting this opportunity. This really shows how great the P community is. Thanks everyone!
Congratulations..that’s really awesome!
Wow! $2500 for one post. I had no idea they paid so much. Seems like P is a wonderful opportunity. Congratulations!!
I purchase meats from wal-mart all of the time. The reason for this is, we live in a small town and wal-mart is pretty much our only grochery store. Well I must say was. We do have a marvin’s here, but everytime I go there I can never find what I want and they are very expensive on most of their stuff. Now we have a mom and pop store which is also expensive, but they do carry many things wal-mart does not. Plus they smoke their meats! Wal-mart is great as far as much more reasonable prices. I’ve heard horror stories about them having bad meats, but I have yet to have a problem with that. Then again everyone is bound to have a problem with bad meats, eventually.
Hi Tricia,
How are you feeling today? Are you better now?
First of all – Congrats! 2500 is a nice figure for posting. And, your blog is now in my favorites.
Lately I’ve been hearing about P, but kind of been hesitant to sign up. I wanted to ask you a question. Does P have enough advertisers for the number of bloggers that are working with them? Is it possible to constantly pull at least 3-5K each month?
I would appreciate your comments.
Best Regards,