I’m starting to feel like a broken record. “I don’t feel good” … I hope I don’t sound like that, really. In person or on this site. It’s just that, I really really don’t feel good! LOL
You know I like posting on my sites right? Well … if you don’t see new posts for day or more it’s probably because I’m not feeling all that well. I mean, I’m a woman … I can talk and post all day if I want to – it comes with the breed. We have lots to say. It’s just that when I’m feeling really bad I can’t make myself sit in front of the computer.
I thought that getting a laptop might help so I got one last August. My thinking at the time was that if I was having a bad day at least I could lie down or slouch on the couch (that rhymes!) and still type away, or at least surf my favorite sites. Stupid me … I’m a lefty and I like sitting or lying on the left hand side of the couch (left when facing) and uh … my left arm is touching the couches back. That makes it kind of hard to type. LOL
So you know what I do now when I’m lying on the couch not feeling well enough to sit up? I lie on my side, and have my laptop on the table next to the couch. I pull the table over so it’s touching the couch and lean in a weird position and type that way. I must say this works much better for surfing than it does for typing.
At least now that I have a laptop … well when my husband isn’t hogging it … I can go outside into my back yard garden with it, or uhm … I can lie in bed with it or even shhhhh take it in the bathroom. Shhhh I didn’t say that!
Having told you all the different ways that I can possibly use our computers, when I’m feeling good or bad, none of that helped me this weekend.
I have my bad days, and my semi better than bad days, but I think from Friday onward I’ve been the worst that I’ve been in a while. I might even be able to go back earlier than Friday, … but I know that whatever is going on got worse and worse from Friday onward.
I’ve been getting fevers in cycles of every two hours or so. It spikes up and I’m freezing and shivering, and then, maybe 20 minutes later I’m peeling off the sweater that I just put on because I’m too hot since the fever is coming down again. I’ll just start to feel better and boom another feverish spike. So on top of all the other medications that I take I’ve been taking Tylenol regularly for the last 6 or so days to try to control the fevers.
If you ever wondered why the domain that this website is on is called Feverishthoughts – well there’s your answer. Fevers are a regular part of my life. So is thinking.
I guess I withstood the fever spikes on Friday pretty well, but by Saturday they were taking their toll on me. My abdomen was aching and I was still feverish on and off. I went through a weird napping phase over the weekend and slept on the couch on and off from Saturday through to Sunday. I think the first time I slept in my own bed in days was Monday night.
Yesterday was the worst. Gut rot supreme. When I got up in the morning just looking at a glass of water almost made me lose whatever was in my stomach at the time. I think I got up around 9 a.m. and I managed to stay awake until about 3 pm, but then I crashed on the couch again until 6 or 7 pm. Spent a bit of time with my husband and then crashed on the couch between 10:30 pm and woke again at 3 a.m for an hour at the most. I thought I was wide awake, but ended up falling asleep on the couch again by 4 a.m and woke at 8 a.m. when my husband came down stairs for breakfast.
Today is going better. It’s going on 6 p.m. and I’m still awake. I’m still feverish and achy in a gut rot kind of way though.
What really killed me yesterday was that it was 1k Tuesday again. This time they were going to put out 5 $100 posts, and one $500 post. Judging by the leaderboard for the day I think they might have put out as many as 7 $100 posts. I missed all of them as I woozily lay on the couch with the lap top in front of me, watching all day (whenever I was awake that is) for big money writing opportunities to show up. The only one that I managed to see was the $500 posting opportunity at about 7:50 pm. I tried for it, but of course didn’t get it.
Oh well, them’s the breaks. I did get that excellent posting opportunity last Tuesday, and there’s two more 1K Tuesdays coming up this month. Maybe I’ll snag something on one of those.
Even though I still feel like crap today I’ve been working hard, trying to make up for not really doing much if any internet work over the weekend. Chris had a short day at work too and he’s been working on making some funds too. We actually broke a personal record today and we are both on the leaderboard at the same time. It might not last for the rest of the day, but as of right now, we’re both listed as being in the top 10 money earners for the day:
That’s me at the top, yeahhhh, and Chris is second from the bottom in the second column. Cool huh? Together you can see that we’ve made over $200 US. We actually made a bit more than that too because we each did some work for other companies too. Whoohoo! Boooyahhh!
Being sick at home and not knowing when or if I’ll be going back to work sucks, but I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the companies that have enabled me to make some money from home, and the advertisers who’ve made that possible too of course. I always try to do a good job when I’m writing – paid or unpaid. I do hope that visitors to this site enjoy all of the posts and excuse my “feverish thoughts” from time to time too.
I think it might be time to go and lie down again. Hopefully I won’t fall asleep again! If you don’t hear from me for a while I’m still here, still reading … I’m just trying to feel better is all, and uh … I’m probably surfing your site in a weird and uncomfortable position while on the couch. LOL
Hi Tricia!
I came back only to find you miserable 🙁
Not good– I hope Chris is treating you well!
Stop by and say hi when you have a moment. I’m busy trying to catch up on everyone’s blogging over the last 4 months– we’ve moved http://www.doctormom.net
C.U. Soon!
GOSH I can’t believe you’re sick AGAIN. GEEZ. THE NERVE.
Feel better soon. I hope things start turning out for you right…NOW.
I’m so sorry, Tricia, that you’ve been feeling so rotten!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Doing a comment blitz to ask folks to host PAD. Since you already host it I wanted to Thank you. So Thank. Sorry your weekend was sucky.
Writing posts when you feel so awful is an achievement!
Hey, Tricia!
Sorry you are sick. Happy that you beat a certain someone out of first place on the P board! LOL
I am sorry you were treated badly at BC carnival. You should participate again. Michele formed an ad network and its a little extra money from placing ads in our feeds.
I know how it feels to get blasted for a comment on a carnival. I got hammered by three different women by email and on the P forum for trying to drum up support for the P carnival.
Have a great day!
Oh, Tricia, I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling rotten again.
Congratulations on the big money opps – your hard work is paying off!!!
Sorry I haven’t been around much, but internet connection is sketchy in these water and it’s all I can do to keep up with the posting, photos and videos… darn, this holidaying is hard work 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your note on my blog the other day. Hope you’re feeling better. 🙂
Psst…I take mine into the bathroom sometimes too. 😉