I’ve been keeping this under wraps, but I just got two of my sites listed in a special, and very large network. I feel like I just got one of those secured loans or something.
Big things are happening over here and I’ve got to work hard to keep up!
This network is pretty much invite only and comes with a special advertising network deal as well. I don’t want to say specifically what it is just yet. I’ll officially announce it next week, and you’ll probably see a few minor changes to the site that will reflect my addition into this network sometime next week as well.
If I’m correct inclusion in this network will result in a bit of extra traffic for the two sites that have become part of ???? Network.
I’m so excited! Wish I could say more!
Congratulation x millions Tricia!
You certainly have earned it with all this work you lay down on your sites!
Is it BlogAds? If so, I am jealous! I can’t seem to get in there!
Mrs. Lifecruiser – Thanks so much. Actually this new deal will definitely be beneficial to me, but I think it will add to my sites and some of my visitors might enjoy it as well.
Elizabeth, no it’s not Blogads. I’d love to get into that too. Hey, if I ever do, I’ll send you an invite when I’m able to if you promise to do the same if you get in first? 🙂 Deal?
The deal is actually with a very large female oriented network. They are going to syndicate two of my sites and provide advertising as a way to make money. So I guess in some ways it’s kind of like Blogads but better because of the syndication and all the extra traffic that I should get to my sites from it. Plus – the ads are really nice so I hope my visitors like them.
Hopefully by the middle of next week everything will be a go and this site might look a bit different. I’m actually considering changing the theme a bit to blend things better. We’ll see.
Thanks for the comments!