I didn’t realize that people took me so seriously about some of my blogrolls. Lately I’ve had a string of people wanting to get on my “I am Canadian” blogroll and they’ve been writing me to me with proof of just how Canadian they really are. LOL
Really I’m not that stringent with the rules. I can often tell by how the person writes or some of the cities or cultural references that they make on their sites that they really are Canadian. I mean we are a unique culture even if we do sometimes struggle with the onslaught of American culture that comes our way 24 hours a day.
We spell words differently. That’s right this site is not full of spelling mistakes like some people probably think. We do spell many of our words the British way, after all we are still part of the Commonwealth, even if we’ve formally declared our independence. So when I slip and spell words like honour, behaviour, neighbourhood, cheque, barbecue, favour, jewelery and so on they are not spelling mistakes.
We have phrases that are particularly Canadian, and passions that go unmatched against our American counterparts. Hockey and beer come to mind.
There are also foods that are unique to Canadian culture such as Beaver tails, peameal bacon (Americans call it Canadian bacon), Tourtiere – a fantastic french meat pie, Poutine, Smarties- ours are chocolate rather than sour candies and so on.
One of the latest people to join the I am Canadian Blogroll sent in her proof of her Canadianesse by writing a post about being Canadian. It’s fantastic. I didn’t get too far into her post before I was adding her to the blogroll. Cori’s a great read too so I’m happy to add her to the list.
I just love it when people get creative!
Speaking of something truly Canadian, definitely cultural icons, and somewhat creative … Bob and Doug Mackenzie are coming back!
On May 24th, which is our Victoria day long weekend to celebrate the former Queen of England’s birthday, and traditionally known as the “May 24” when Canadians tend to go camping, party and drink cases of beer – all containing 24 bottles or cans of course – a one hour tribute to Bob and Doug Mackenzie will be aired on CBC.
It’s really poor planning on the Canadian Broadcasting Companies part because as I just said this is the weekend that Canadians go to the cottage or go camping and most often do not have access to TV.
So if you do have plans that weekend set your VCR’s, DVR’s or TIVO to tape the show for you. I’m certain it will be a good one.
One final peek at our Canadian icons Bob and Doug MacKenzie
BTW I know that the infamous Ted Murphy is a fan of Bob and Doug – hope he’s taking note of this too.
My husband got all excited about this too and is working on a post that will hopefully contain a video. I’ll link to his post when he’s done. He needs a beer for inspiration, he’ll be done soon. It’s done – check out his view of Bob and Doug.
Ha, great post Tricia! I purposely spell many words the “Canadian” way just to confuse people…eh?
Do you sell your photos online? I’ve been checking into ShutterPoint as I have a few photos I’d like to try to sell and I wanted to sign up through someone’s affiliate button, and thought of you first 🙂 as your flower photos are so fabulous.
Your post has left me chuckling. I love the thought of people trying to prove they are Canadian to join the blogroll.
Oh Bob and Doug … what great memories I have of them!
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Have a great week!
I didn’t know that you were from Canada! I guess I haven’t ever found your Canadian blogroll. The differences in spelling are pretty interesting, I wonder why we Americans spell things differently…??? It seems that we would have learned if from the British as well.
Judd, Thank you so much for the award. 🙂 My post was inspired of course by Cori’s attempt at proving her Canadianness. LOL I had fun with it.
I’m just about to redesign this site. I’ll post the award and perhaps mention it in a post in the near future. 🙂
Well, Court, I guess that early American Settlers probably did spell the same way that the British did, but your country started because you wanted independence from the British and ours started more as a British (and French) outpost … So I guess we stuck to our roots and the Americans wanted to get rid of their roots – hence the differences in spelling and perhaps a lot of other things as well. LOL
There is a restaurant in Marsalforn that has poutine on the menu.
I do not know the backstory. You can get a pastizzi on Dundas West, so I guess it’s quit pro quo.