I can’t believe that there was almost nothing on TV Tuesday evening. Yeah there was Dancing with the Stars, and I wouldn’t be surprised if American idol was on too but I don’t watch those shows. I just don’t get anything out of them. Even if I did like them there’d be no way that I could get Chris to watch them!
Heck, he gave up on the Amazing Race on me when the contestants started to get too whiny and he actually likes that show. LOL I don’t even like the show that much when the couples, friends or relatives start bitching at each other a lot.
At least House was on. I taped it, but didn’t get a chance to watch it yet. We watched Monday nights CSI Miami instead.
I didn’t even sort through the new clothes that we bought yet! Man I hope most of them fit. Well … for our budget it’d be better if I only like half of them because we sure spent a lot of money at Winners yesterday afternoon!
It’s amazing that even having so many channels, there can be nothing at all on! I like House too. I’ve been blogging so much, and reading blogs, I’ve been neglecting my TV though. 🙂
This has always been the case, even when cable TV was unheard of yet!!