I think I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been seriously considering going back to school for some course in web design, graphics and perhaps internet marketing.
I have years of experience in creating websites for others and myself, but I never pursued this as a form of employment. It’s always been something I’ve done on the side.
Now that I’ve been stuck at home for about a year and a half due to my stupid illness I’ve discovered that I actually can make a living by doing work through the internet. Whether it be marketing or design I haven’t fully decided, but I really do think I should work on my skills and learn a few more things if I really want to make this work. So I’ve been looking at the courses at Collins College. I don’t know if I’ll take any of their courses, but it’s giving me some great ideas.
I’m actually in the middle of redesigning a few of our sites right now. This is the only one that’s giving me trouble. The coding isn’t complex but it’s not as straightforward as on all the rest of the blogs. One wrong move and the site doesn’t work anymore! Perhaps if I did take some courses weird code like the one that makes up this theme wouldn’t be as much of a problem?
Well, I have to say that I like the navigation and fonts on your site. Is it a template, or did you create it yourself?