You know that woman that made the news this year because she’d had the hiccups for a year or so? Well … if that was me I would never have made it that long.
When I get the hiccups it’s painful. It always has been. Each hiccup gets stronger and stronger and hurts more and more. Now that I have Crohns it’s almost unbearable, and unfortunately I get the hiccups quite often. Whenever I eat a food that’s kind of dry in fact.
Chris came home from work a little while ago, and then he went out to the store to get some things that will help when we put the air-conditioners in the windows in a while and while he was out he stopped off at Tim Hortons and got me an Ice-Cap and a croissant.
Well … I started to eat the croissant and the hiccups started. Chris ran to get me a big glass of water, because water does help with my dry food related hiccups. However, as he neared me I had him put his hand on my stomach so that he could feel my guts rolling around with each hiccup. My insides, not just my diaphragm, seem to roll around when I get hiccups. Maybe I’ve got some scar tissue in there from the Crohns that makes this happen.
I feel sorry for that woman that’s had hiccups for so long. I really do. I know with mine, if I had them for more than a few minutes I’d be going nuts with the pain. I’d never make a whole year of hiccups without being sedated or something.
Do your hiccups hurt or are they just irritating?