Do you remember how when scanners first started coming out they were quite large? I’ve still got my first scanner and while I don’t have it’s exact measurements handy it was almost two feet long by close to a foot wide. That’s huge compared to this new Duplex scanner that I just got a good look at.
The Duplex Scanner – Scanshell 3000DN is perhaps the smallest scanner that I’ve ever seen. It only weighs 17oz/475g which is just over a pound. I think it would be perfect for anyone who either has a small workspace, or for those who take their work on the road or travel for business regularly.
Not only is it small and therefore highly portable, it’s also a high-speed duplex scanner. It can simultaneously capture both sides of a document while scanning. It also offers high image quality capture.
The scanner uses a high speed USB 2.0 standard interface so no external power supply is necessary.
Honestly I can imagine people who’s work takes them out of the office frequently – realtors, contractors, sales agents and so on, using this new Scanshell scanner.
Check it out!
Everything seems to get minaturised now.
Wow! That is small. I worked in the real estate business for quite a while a number of years back and would have loved to have had portable scanning capability back then. I think Fujitsu makes a scanner similar to this one and just as small.
I’m waiting for the time when our smartphones such as iPhone will have built in scanners.Do you think it can be miniaturized to that level?