When my husband and I used to live in our apartment we lived in a very active area of Toronto. We were within walking distance of night clubs, fantastic restaurants, small retail stores that sold everything from gift items to beautiful antiques, and a no less than four bars that had pool tables.
If we weren’t out with friends, our friends were at our house often enjoying one of my gourmet dinners. We enjoyed entertaining. We still do but we do less entertaining lately.
Now, I’m not a very good pool player. I believe it has something to do with me being left handed, but I could be wrong about that, I just might be bad at it. Still, I enjoy playing, and I enjoy watching my husband play. He’s very good.
When we lived in the apartment we’d go to one of the bars that had pool tables approximately once a week. We’d walk over with a couple of friends, have a few drinks and play a few games. It was fun and I have good memories of those times.
There is a pool hall and a really nice bar with pool tables within walking distance of our house, but I’d say we only go out to play pool once a month or less these days.
As I’ve said before Chris and I are in the process of renovating our home. One of the areas up for renovating is our basement. It’s not finished at all. We’d like to make the basement into a rec room or den which may or may not contain a bedroom.
When we’ve talked about what we want out of the basement when it’s finished one of the things that’s come up a few times is my husbands desire to have a pool table. He wants to be able to play darts too but the ceiling is so low it’s dangerous! I think a pool table would be fine down there though. Our friends would certainly enjoy it if we had a pool table since our home is still considered an entertainment hub amongst our friends.
I’m discussing pool tables right now because I’ve just visited BostonTables.com and they have a lovely selection of well made pool tables. Take a look at this beautiful model:
Boston Tables specializes in Pool Tables, Game Tables and accessories. They are actually a national company that operates in multiple States. They ship throughout all of the United States via their Columbus Ohio distribution center.
If you’ve ever considered getting a pool table for your home it might be a good idea to take a look at their selection right now as they are having a sale. Almost all of the pool tables that are shown on the page that I linked to earlier are priced under $2000.
If Chris and I were to get a pool table I’d certainly want one of a similar design as the image above. Isn’t that gorgeous? I love the shape of the legs and the beautiful wood that’s been used. It would actually suit the style of our 1927 house and the way I’ve furnished some of the rooms.
It’s too bad that we don’t already have a pool table. One of our old friends will be staying with us this weekend and some of the best times I’ve had with this guy have been while playing pool with him. He’s quite the character.
Actually we’re going to have guests all summer long. Chris’ brother and one of his boys are coming from Chicago the in a week, and in early August his other two children will be coming to stay with us for a couple of weeks.
Now wouldn’t it be great to have a pool table to entertain our guests?
It’s certainly something fun to do, and staying in rather than going out to bars to play pool would save some money too. Actually come to think of it, with the money that you could save by going out less often and entertaining at home instead the pool table would practically pay for itself in no time.
Hmmm the idea sounds more and more appealing doesn’t it?
I’m not the best at pool either, but ever since my boyfriend taught me a few tricks, I’ve really been into it. I think a pool table is a fabulous accessory for any apartment or home, and at least one person out of a gathering of guests always wants to play. It’s classy yet really country bar all at the same time. Go for it!