Do you remember I was talking about how Chris wanted our basement, when we are done our renovation, to be a true rec room? Well, after having so much fun over the weekend with his sister and brother-in-law he’s adamant that the basement must be a rec room full of manly toys to play with or on.
You see, once my brother in law came back from the concert that he’d gone to – Roger Waters, he said it was fantastic! – they all went out to play pool, and later they came back and we played poker. Now along with the pool table that he’s got his eye on he wants us to look at poker tables too!
Geesh! I just bought him a new video camera! Now he wants more toys? Don’t they usually say it’s the women that spend all the money shopping?
Well at least we never impulse buy. Anything that I write about that we’ve purchased, particularly if it’s an expensive item, is something that we’ve thought about and discussed for quite a while.
Maybe he’ll get his new toy, but we’ve got to finish the basement first!
Yeah but has he got a lazyboy?