I’m glad to see that some of you really liked the eco-handbags in my last post. I really like the company and what it stands for as well as their products.
I really do think that I’m going to get one of their handbags. I need a new purse. I do, I really do.
As for living green. Laane said in one of the comments “If you’re really eco-friendly you recycle at home. Because all the transport costs a lot of pollution too.”
Well you’ll be pleased to know that recycling is the law here in Toronto. Our recycled materials are picked up every two weeks. Garbage is picked up on alternate weeks.
Green garbage – kitchen peelings, used paper towels, coffee grounds and other biodegradable “garbage” is picked up weekly. We do have a composter though so a good portion of our green garbage goes into the compost as well.
I’ve written a few articles on As the Garden Grows lately about living green and how to save money by living green. Making a few changes now can save you a lot of money in the future and none of the things that we to make our life greener are all that hard.
Check out those articles if you want to be a little more eco-friendly and save some money too.
Yes its so easy going green. The first thing people should do is get stylish reusable bags so they don’t have to create all that plastic bag waste that takes thousands of years to biodegrade.
I found out recently that there is a toxic pool of swirling debris made of a lot of plastic junk in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This swirling pool is hundreds of miles wide. Its hidden but its there. Out of site, out of mind as they say.
Yes recycling should be mandated, because some people like a lot of Americans are sooo Lazy!! You canadians rock!
that’s pretty nice way ! environmental protection will be most potential industry in future when the earth can not put up with our pollution anymore. nice sparkling !