There was a bit of heated discussion last week on the blog of one of the companies with whom I do some pa1d bl0gging work. They used to allow people to do three pa1d p0sts per day, but they’ve dropped down to two per day late last week.
They did that in the past for a few months and it actually allowed more people to get opportunities. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what they’ve done. True they could have notified us in advance, but it’s there prerogative to do this.
Use this time to re-invent your blogs.
Stand back and take a good look at your site with fresh eyes. Believe me, you might not like what you see.
I’m not saying that I haven’t made a few mistakes with my sites. I have. But every once in a while I sit back and take stalk of what I’m doing and I keep trying to improve how I do things.
I’m stuck at home with a chronic illness. The money I make in various ways via the internet is the ONLY money I have coming in. I must pay the bills.
If the opportunities were truly there in the first place moving from three ops a day to two would hurt all of us financially, but the ops aren’t there. Hopefully now some of us that haven’t been getting any decent ops that FIT our sites will get some.
I do have several blogs on that particular companies system but as of the end of last week I’d only done 12 ops this month. TWELVE. That ain’t much. I do believe that most of the ops that I chose to take for my sites did fit their topic/niche.
Those that have been getting their 3 a day quota per blog … were all those ops really on topic for your site? Really?
Think about it this way. If every second post on your site, or in some cases large chunks of posts in a row are pa1d p0sts (some companies allow this!) do you really think your readers are going to stick around?
Are advertisers going to seek your blog out if it’s full of ads?
Is your sites PR going to go up? – Maybe maybe not. It depends on the quality of your posts, if you’ve been taking opportunities that fit your blogs topics, and most importantly if your readers are sticking around and occasionally linking to your site or your posts.
Now that we can only take two ops per day on this one site that many of us do work for try to find posting opportunities that truly fit your site.
If you write about things that suite your blogs topics it will only enhance your blog. Don’t kill your site by taking everything and anything just for the sake of money – no matter how much you need it.
I must be doing ok with my choices.
My readership has gone up each week. Many of my visitors interact with me via the comment section of my posts. I must be doing well in selecting things to write about that interest not only me but my readers as well.
Not only has my readership gone up, but so has advertiser interest. I’m getting offers for all kinds of things from free samples to sidebar links to posting and affiliate opportunities on a daily basis. See my post about Monetizing our Sites to learn what’s been happening here lately.
Vedis gave me a very nice compliment regarding my passion for blogging and how it shows in my posts – both pa1d and unpa1d.
I’m very thankful for that comment because it gives me some feedback as to what I’ve been doing, how I’m doing and what other bloggers are thinking.
All I can really say is that I try.
I try to write about things that interest me and hopefully my readers. Whatever I’m writing about I try to make it personal by adding my own experiences and thoughts into the post. I think that’s the key factor in any post. It’s the key factor in my posts.
These are mostly personal blogs that we are working on – make it personal. Write something that touches your readers.
You can’t do that if you are writing about things that you have no experience with or that you haven’t taken the time to research well.
I want everyone to have success which is why I take a moment to share what I’m doing every once in a while.
I know people are upset about the paid blogging company that has reduced the amount of jobs that one can do on a blog per day, but really use this time wisely.
Use this time to make your blog better. If you do you’ll probably end up raising your sites page rank and then you’ll also end up increasing the amount that you can earn through your blog in a variety of ways.
I’ve just spent the morning weeding the number of blogs I read in my feed reader. I hated to do that, because I like to support my fellow bloggers. But, honestly, so many sites these days are starting to read like one paid ad after another. I just can’t get into reading those, and since I only have so many hours in the day I decided to make room in my feed reader to read blogs written by people who actually want to write.
My readership, traffic and RSS, has gone up on the blogs where I’ve done paid posts also. Turns out that taking relevant posts, paid or unpaid, brings in readers and keeps them! Imagine that!
I believe that most people appreciate value, information, and solid writing skills, and don’t particularly care whether we get paid or not. The only people that seem to care, or that care the most, are the bloggers most invested in the current sidebar/text-link advertising model. Sponsored posts are a threat to their income.
Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting earlier.
I have recently fallen into the same situation that you are in. With the kids home for the summer I have been forced to work from home full time. In doing so, the money I make of my blog and my other websites is my prime source of income. So I take as many opps as possible and it may be effecting my readers.
Hi, Tricia,
Thanks for mentioning me..;D I just hopped over from Orgy Opps and surprised to see my name here.
I agree that the change from 3 opps to 2 opps does help me reinvent my blogs,especially Pink Poison Store.
Like you said, try to write about things that interest myself first. I used to put paid posts there only and then,gone until the next paid post came. I didn’t feel the fun of blogging at all.
Now, I’m trying to make it personal by adding my own experiences and into the post. And yes, I love hanging out at my own blogs now…;D
Yes, you are right ! Make it personal !
As for my blog, ShowMeMoneyBiz, I am gearing towards more personal posts. I don’t think I can write serious financial stuffs. I had better make it more personal.
Again, passion first.And readers will come.Lastly, $$ will come knocking at my door, right ??