Do you ever get spam email that makes you laugh? I’ve always got quite a bit of spam, probably as a result of the mailing lists I run and my website that’s been online for 12 years, but lately I’ve been getting all kinds of spam for sexual supplements.
I’m not going to mention the products by name as it will probably end up bringing more spam to this blog – like I need any more! I’m sure you’ve probably been getting this spam too though.
It’s basically stories about how someone had an accident and it destroyed their sex life until they found such and such a product. I think the stories are funny.
Have you been getting this kind of spam or other types that make you laugh because it’s so ridiculous?
Intricategirl says
On one of my blogs, I was talking about Oscar fashions, and I made the offhand comment that Virginia Madsen should have shown less cleavage. Since then, I’ve been getting an insane amount of traffic from people searching for photos. lol Sorry, none of those on my site. 😀
Traveling Soldier says
Unfortunately, yes. I am still wondering how I keep getting spam for prducts to help boost the female libido when I still see spots from trying a product for men! LOL Sometimes you have to read them and smile and say to yourself “really? that will work and all this time I have been going about all of this the hard way….”