If you’ve spent any time reading my various blogs you already know that Chris and I try to live “green”, or as green as possible, and I write about the various things that people can do to save energy, lessen pollution and just make the world a “greener” place on my various sites. I’ve written articles about organic gardening, energy saving bulbs, and how to dispose of old computer and now I’d like to tell you how to recycle your cell phone properly.
Did you know that each year there are over 140 million cellphones retired, yet only about 5% are recycled? The various components in cell phones can leach hazardous chemicals and minerals such as lead into the environment when they are disposed of in landfills. If you don’t believe me you should read this article – Why should I recycle my cell phone?. Just look at all the toxins that are in the circuit boards and batteries of cell phones. Do you really want that stuff getting in your water supply?
It really is a shame that so many cell phones and other electronic items end up in landfills when it’s so easy to recycle them properly.
Perhaps companies such as CellForCash.com will help turn this bad practice around when people learn that they can actually get cash for their old cellphones.
That’s right. CellForCash has a program that allows US residents to easily recycle their old mobile phones and even pays them cash for over 600 models of cellphones. If your old cellphone qualifies for a rebate you could get between $4 and $300 for your old phone.
I think this is a wonderful program. I mean, how many times have you either changed to a different cell phone service provider or wanted to upgrade your cell phone? How many times have you been told that your current cell phone is obsolete and won’t work with the new cell providers system or services? Quite often I presume. I know it’s happened to me.
When you decide to get a new cell phone you’re often left wondering what to do with the old cell phone. Most cell phone service providers don’t let you trade in old phones. That’s why so many cell phones end up in landfills.
Bookmark the CellForCash website as I’m sure that if you don’t currently have a phone you could turn in for cash right now you will sometime in the near future.
The CellForCash site is very easy to use. Just visit the main page and select your cellphones make and model, click “go” and then you’ll find out how much of a rebate you can get for your old phone. Just be sure that the phone actually works and that it hasn’t been damaged. Follow the instructions and request free shipping materials and soon you’ll be able to send your old cellphone to CellForCash and get your rebate. You’ll be given other options to try if your phone isn’t listed or is deemed to old and doesn’t qualify for the rebate program.
The old phones that are collected by CellForCash are sometimes used in other markets or even in other countries.
Now, don’t you think that getting some cash for your cellphone is much better than possibly polluting the environment?
Don’t forget to bookmark CellForCash.com.
I’ll take cash for my phone any day of the week!