I think I’ve got to get some new solar lights for my garden. We actually bought some new ones this year and they’ve got a switch on them so that you can activate them, but a couple of them don’t seem to be working.
I’ll have to go out in the garden at night and figure out which ones aren’t on. It could be that the batteries just aren’t recharging in the sunlight, or there might be something wrong with the light fixtures, or for all I know maybe we simply didn’t turn on that little switch that activates the light.
I guess I should check them before I think about buying new ones huh?
I’m just disappointed. We have a fair amount of solar lights spread out throughout the garden, but when a few areas aren’t lighting up properly at night it looks funny to me.
I’m the only one bothered by it since they’re in the backyard … but still … I want the things that I buy to work.
Hi Tricia! I’ve been having the same problem with my sun dial. Night comes and I can’t tell the time! Piece of junk… 😀
I realize this is an old post and you’ve probably solved the problem and moved on, but just in case someone with a similar problem stumbles across this post:
1) Try replacing the battery. A lot of solar lights are built with some pretty off-brand components, and it could just be that your batteries came from a bad batch. Most solar lights take AAs, and any NiCad or NIMH battery should do the trick.
2) Make sure that the solar panel is getting enough light. I’ve seen many lights that don’t do any good because they’re blocked from the sun by bushes and hedges.
If neither of those work, it’s quite possible that the light is defective and you shouldn’t hesitate to take them back to wherever they were purchased and ask for an exchange/refund.
They are really easy inside, you should first check them if they have something broken inside, I can tell you I have fixed one since it was run over by my father in law and it is not that complicated. I am not speaking about fixing the electronic part, just check first that all the wires go somewhere, that you have the batteries properly inserted,maybe they slipped from the socket a bit and not making a contact. Who knows
I have the same issue with some of my solar lights in my garden!
I dont know if it is because they are faulty or poor quality?