It’s already after 7 and I haven’t even begun to think of what to make for dinner!
Ah I know I can cook something from the freezer. The other day I was eying a meat pie, a Tourtiere, that I made a while back and froze. I think it’s time to pull that out and cook it. Luckily it can be cooked from frozen since it’s basically already been cooked in advance.
I usually save things like meat pie for the winter months when a good hearty warm meal is needed.
Do you have foods that you eat more often in the summer or winter? We do, and since I enjoy cooking I tend to make up a big batch of whatever recipe I tend to be working on that day and freeze whatever I’ve made in order to have a quick and easy meal on a day when I don’t have much time for cooking.
I love cooking. Did you know that I almost catered my own wedding? Yeah. I had to be talked out of that one. Plan a wedding in three months and cook all the food? Was I crazy? Probably wedding crazed anyway.
I’ve often thought of taking some cooking courses. Perhaps not a full culinary arts course like the one offered here:, but an advanced class or two would be fun.
I’ve always enjoyed making pastries and baking. Luckily I don’t eat all the food I cook though! I enjoy creating my own unique entrees too. I’ll look up a recipe for a complete meal, but then I’ll add some of my own ingredients or spices to give it a unique twist. I particularly like this grilled veggie recipe. Yum. Maybe we’ll have that tomorrow with some grilled skinless chicken breasts.
Do you enjoy cooking? Have you ever thought of taking a culinary arts course?
“Do you have foods that you eat more often in the summer or winter? ”
In the summer more BBQ stuff (see next comment) like hamburgers, steaks, chicken.
“Do you enjoy cooking? Have you ever thought of taking a culinary arts course?”
Yes, I like cooking. I do 100% of the barbecue work in the summer. Never thought of a course, I’m not that serious about cooking.
I suppose we eat more for sustenance, although I do like BBQ food, though I rarely go to one.
In summer I like to eat salads and have a bbq. In winter it’s all soups and stews basically the hearty wam filling stuff
You know this is one of my favorite subject. As I hate fast food, I like to cook and love to do it together with my wife.
There is a great difference in our summer versus winter menu. In the summer I love BBQ, but thats difficult in the snowy country at the winter time you know. Today we had lamb in cabbage, a very typical Norwegian fall season dinner.
I just pulled something out of the freezer, thinking ahead to dinner, and came upon this post. Even though I’m a Certified Nutritionist, I can be stumped at times, but tonight we’re going to have a creation of my own, a casserole, that uses crumbled corn tortillas, ground meat cooked w/ chopped onion, refried beans, low fat chedder cheese, tomato sauce, & seasonings, not the medicinal herbs I love, but culinary, still, they will add health to the dish! Yum, getting hungry…I better go cook!
Hi Tricia! I love to cook, and frequently once I get the hang of a receipe I will cook it with flare and dash and act like a chef even though I’m not one! I’ve wanted to go to this really cool culinary arts school in France, but it doesn’t seem likely 😉 I got a new Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer and my bread, pizza dough, pie crust and croissants have gained new wonderfullness.
Just recently I bought a cookbook dedicated to Macaroni and Cheese. I adore macaroni & cheese and just reading the introduction and entry pages has completely changed my ideas of what that glorious treat is all about. I have some of the most wonderful cookbooks EVER and I’ve never bought one that I couldn’t find something wonderful in.
Down here in South Texas we tend to cook outside quite a bit all year round, although most of all in the summer, to reduce heating up the house. For the few months of cooler weather the white bean and ham soup my Mother taught me to make shows up a lot. And cinnoman rolls. I buy my cinnoman from the most wonderful spice house Penzey’s. The difference between Penzey’s spices and the grocery store ones are like chalk and cheese. A whiff of the cinnoman is enough to make you sit down so you can savor it in your nostrils!
Hi Tricia! Thanks for this nice article! Maybe you can try this tasty recipe from Egypt. It si my favorite. Ingredients:
12 chicken thighs
2 lemons, 1 sliced, 1 halved
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup water
1 1/2 pounds dried figs
salt to taste
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
How to do:
Preheat the chicken thighs in oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Squeeze juices from halved lemon into a small bowl, then stir in brown sugar, vinegar and water; set aside. Place figs and sliced lemon segments in the bottom of an 11×16 inch baking/roasting dish. Arrange chicken thighs on top, then pour vinegar mixture over chicken. Finally, sprinkle with salt and dried parsley to taste.
Bake/roast at 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for 50 minutes, basting frequently (turn figs if they begin to brown). With a slotted spoon, remove chicken, figs and lemon slices from baking dish and place on a warm platter. Skim fat from cooking juices, then pour over chicken as sauce. Garnish with fresh parsley and serve.
TDavid – Yes we tend to BBQ more often in the summer months too. This year we even did some fish on the grill and it was very good. If we get the urge we BBQ from about February to late November. Of course it’s pretty cold here during some of those months so we have to be hankering for bbq pretty bad to pull out the barbecue in February!
Jean-Luc – so you don’t really BBQ on your own? Shame, you don’t know what you’re missing! Barbecuing in the summer is great here because as someone else said it helps keep the house cool … well provided you can stand the heat outside while you stand over the grill over course.
I guess we tend to have lighter meals in the summer and more hot substantial meals in the winter.
Dee yes I’d say our meals are more like yours. Grilled veggies go great with grilled fish or chicken and grilled chicken tastes great when added to a veggie filled salad. Mmmm Getting hungry now … LOL
Renny We’re not that big on Fast food either although it can be convenient at times. If we do eat fast food we try to make the healthiest choices possible.
That lamb in cabbage looks like a nice hearty meal!
Mmmm Claudia what do you call your creation? A taco casserole? Sounds good to me.
Karen I’ve never been all that partial to Macaroni and Cheese but my husband could eat that every single day!
My mother used to make a bean and ham soup too and it was pretty good. I must admit I’ve never tried making it, but I do make other very hearty homemade soups and stews in the winter months and like you we BBQ outside quite a bit in the summer although not as much this summer as most.
Did I ever tell you that my parents were winter Texans? They adored Texas. I come from Ottawa (tied with Moscow as the coldest Capital City in the world) so it’s no wonder that once my parents retired they wanted to get away to a warm climate for almost 6 months every year! They tried Florida but hated it, then they tried Texas (Brownsville area) and adored it.
Andy great recipe. Baked Chicken and Figs probably tastes fantastic. I’ll have to give that a try sometime in the future.
Cooking all the food for your own wedding?!!! Wow, that’s taking one’s love to an extreme. How about doing it for your friend’s wedding – why not? I love cooking too, but I have a golden rule – never cook on my own birthday. That’s the one day I refuse to hide myself in the kitchen.
My favorite summer meal is a cold vegetable soup. Never feel like making it during the winter.