I can’t believe that a week ago I was complaining about the heat. It was about 100 F with the humidity – almost 30 to 40 degrees warmer than it should have been here in early October. Needless to say we were still using our air-conditioning and our furnace which normally kicks on at least once or twice in September and more regularly in October hadn’t even started up.
Well, all that changed late last week. Temperatures dropped to more normal seasonal levels and our furnace has warmed our home at least 20 times since Saturday.
Unfortunately our master bedroom is the coldest room in the house, so it won’t surprise you when I tell you that on Saturday night when we got cold I quickly pulled out one of our old quilts and put it on the bed to give us some much needed extra warmth. I need to pull out our nice comforter and put it in the duvet that’s already on the bed soon.
I’m sure many of you were in the same situation as my husband and I in the last week or so. Suddenly finding yourselves pulling out the winter bedding. Perhaps this cold climate Autumn chore made you realize that you need new bed spreads or blankets for your bedrooms?
If you do need new bedding head on over to Overstock.com.
I’ve spent some time looking at the Bedding selection at Overstock and I was pleased to discover that they have quite a variety of products ranging from Memory Foam to mattresses, sheet sets, comforter sets, blankets, bedspreads, quilts, down bedding, duvet covers and even full bedding packages like bed in a bag.
Since winter is coming I decided to concentrate on Quilts and I found some lovely handcrafted quilts that I’d love to have in my home or perhaps even purchases for others as a gift.
Take the Blue Star quilt that I’ve included an image of above. At this time this handcrafted quilt is only $44.99. I think that’s a fantastic price for a beautiful quilt. It’s 100% cotton too which means it’s easy to wash and care for as well.
The description states that it’s a heirloom-quality quilt with a traditional blue star design that offers warm country charm. However the first person I thought of when I saw the design of this quilt was my Dutch sister in law. Perhaps the design isn’t Dutch at all, but it reminds me of traditional Dutch designs. Perhaps it’s just the color of the blue that is used in the quilt. Either way I may just end up purchasing this quilt as a gift for my brother and sister in law.
As I said there are many styles of bedding and quilts to choose from at Overstock.com. Designs range from heirloom to traditional, modern and everything in between. The prices are more than reasonable as well. Just on the main quilt page I didn’t see a quilt set over $79.99. I’m fairly certain I can’t get prices that low in any of the department stores in my area!
I also noticed that at the top of each page there’s a statement that says “Your entire order ships for just $2.95 – order today!“. That sounds like a fantastic price for shipping. Heck, shopping around town it might cost you more than that in gas and parking expenses!
If you need new bedding go and take a look at the selection at Overstock.com. I’m fairly sure you’ll be pleased with the variety and prices.
I hear ya Tricia, same here in VT! A couple weeks ago we had a couple days around 80F… Now it’s in the 50s, with 40s and 30s at night. You’re in Canada right? Well, you and I both have about what, 6 months before we start really heading back in the right direction?
that’s true, a week ago it was hot temperatures just like summer, and now we are starting to freeze with this autumn temperatures that are just like winter.Indeed i starting to use quilts, they are keeping me really warm, but no other quilts compare like handmade quilts.that’s it !!