Don’t you just hate it when you discover that you’ve had an unlocked phone in your purse or pocket and oops it’s made some calls?
One of our friends seems to forget to lock their cell phone fairly often and we must be high up on the speed dial. He’s a car salesman and we get these long rambling messages on our home phone of him talking with customers obviously unaware that the cellphone has made a call. He must put his phone in his pocket because there’s always a lot of staticy fabric rustling sounds to go with his accidental calls.
I always try to remember to lock our cell phone before I put it in my purse, but I’ll bet I’ve made one of those strange calls accidentally in the past.
Have you?
minutechaser says
DH does that quite often. We often joke about how he’s thinking about me so much that his phone seems to sense it and calls me every so often LOL.
El Rojo says
Oooh, it happened to me once or twice many years ago, back when cell phones were really expensive. Can you imagine my face when I discovered that I had no minutes left to call?
Laura says
That happened to me once and it was really expensive. My old cell phone had WAP and it was unlocked on my purse. When I realize it had been connected to WAP service for 22 minutes.
Tricia says
Minutechaser – Yes maybe the phone does know when he’s thinking of you. LOL
Tricia says
El Roja that was always my fear in the cell phone making it’s own calls accidentally … especially if I was out of town. Those roaming charges still kick me in the butt! My plan sucks.
Tricia says
Laura that’s terrible! I bet that was really expensive!
Fadi says
Yes all the time. I tend to make pocket calls to my friends while I am riding my motorcycle 🙂
Negotiation Guru says
The big danger is having long international dial numbers in your phone book. 20 mins of international calls to Fiji or Africa SHOULD be enough to learn the lesson.
Agents Of Value says
yep, it happened to me when i had a nokia 3310 phone that doesn’t have the automatic lock feature. I would discover it, when a friend would text me asking why i called and not bothered to answer when she picked up the phone. LOL. i guess for people who often forget, the automatic keypad lock feature would really benefit them.
Ann says
That had happen to me too. My cell phone has an automatic keypad lock feature but I didn’t use it coz I hate to unlock it whenever I receive a message and I have to unlock it first. But after that day that I lost all my min calls. I’m definitely using my lock feature right now. lol 😀
Kang says
it happen to me 3 years ago when using nokia 3660. my friend was confused coz there was no sound while accepting the call from my number..hehehehe..