Have you ever been in debt? I have thanks to school loans and the struggle I went through during the first year that I had started my business. I suppose I’m still in debt since I have a mortgage, but as far as I’m concerned a mortgage or a car loan is a good debt if you’re able to manage it.
The kind of debt that gets people into trouble is when they take out too many loans and get in over their head, or perhaps when they have a number of credit cards and they’ve reached their spending limit on all of them or worse gone over the spending limit. That’s when debt is out of control.
Did you know that the average American family has a debt of over $9,000 due to credit cards which are an unsecured debt?
If you’re in debt it might be time to look into Debt Consolidation. Nationwide credit counseling agency specializes in helping people who’ve accumulated debt.
The agency can help you Consolidate Debt and as a result lower your interest rates.
Visit the Nationwide credit counseling agency website and you’ll find information about debt consolidation, articles on do it yourself debt consolidation, money and debt videos, debt and credit calculators and information that will help you reach a Debt Settlement with your lenders. They’ve even got a forum where you can learn more about debt consolidation and talk to others who are struggling with debt.
Obviously the benefits of debt consolidation will be that you’ll reduce the interest that you’ve been paying, the credit collection calls will end, your total payment amount will be reduced and the best benefit of all will be that you’ll probably be able to sleep better at night because your stress over your financial situation will be reduced or perhaps even eliminated.
When I was in debt I didn’t even think about looking into debt consolidation. I know now that it would have solved a lot of my problems and my stress. I hope to never get into bad debt again but if I were to I’d consider consolidation all of my debt.
When I was over my head in debt – I didn’t think of debt consolidation either. I went with debt settlement and got big discounts on paying back my credit card debt. But it hurt my credit score a little, which doesn’t happen with debt consolidation.