Oh Man … I’m sitting here typing away and my stomach is just growling like crazy! it sounds like a volcano that’s about to erupt or the grumbling that you’d expect to hear from a monster hiding in a closet.
My stomach’s been very noisy this week. Sometimes it does that when my Crohn’s is really bad, and other times, after a long period of silence the growling seems to signify that my tummy is getting better. I don’t know what it means this time round, but I have been pretty sick this week already. Hopefully it means I’m going to start getting better for a while.
I must record the sounds sometime. It’s really loud and not your typical tummy growls sounds either!
Even though my stomach will growl when I’m not hungry – like when I’ve just eaten, this time some of the rumbles really are caused by hunger. I’d better start thinking about dinner and whether to cook or order my favorite Greek Food.
Hmmm … guess which one I’ll pick?