Thirteen Things about Mrs. Lifecruisers Cyber Cruise
This is Thursday Thirteen #37
1…. Mrs. Lifecruiser decided to have an elaborate, and I mean elaborate blog party! She’s calling it a “Cyber Cruise”.
2…. The Cyber Cruise starts tomorrow and runs through to the end of the month!
3…. We’ll be hitting ports from all over the world as different bloggers host the Cyber cruise on their own sites.
4…. This is going to be a great way to meet other bloggers, and discover some great new sites. You might even make a friend or two as you mingle at one of the banquet dinners or lounge by the pool.
5…. The lovely Mrs. Lifecruiser had asked who wanted to host the Cruise in their “port”. I opted to be a party goer rather than a host this time round. Perhaps next time round there’ll be a Toronto port on the Cyber Cruise.
6…. I’ve been looking through my cyber closets to find a few lovely evening gowns to wear to the dinners. So far I’ve found a lovely emerald gown that will set off my eyes, hair and fair skin nicely. I’ve also chosen two traditional black gowns – ones a little skimpy! Oh yes, I’ve also got a hot little red number.
7…. I’m hoping that Mrs. Lifecruiser lined up a lot of entertainment for this long Cyber cruise. Hopefully there’s some great rock n’ roll bands. I love mingling with rock stars.
8…. I think that everyone should bring a flag from their Country to hang over the side of the ship. That way we can show how truly international our Cyber Cruise will be.
9…. Now I’m trying to think of what else to pack from my Cyber drawers and closet? Hmmm some bathing suits? yeah I think I’d better bring something to swim in and tan in.
10…. Some of the ports that we’ll hit should be warm too so I’ll have to bring some light clothes – shorts, light tops and some good walking shoes just in case we hit any tourist areas as we travel across the world on the Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise.
11…. I’d like to try some chocolate from every port we hit. mmmm I love chocolate!
12…. Oh and I guess I should try a traditional food item from each country we visit too huh?
13…. I hope you’ll join us on our Cyber Cruise! I’m sure the host of the whole show, Mrs. Lifecruiser herself will drop in at some point today to tell us more about her huge Blog party/ Cyber cruise. I can’t wait to find out if there’s any last minute details?
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