On Sunday I fired up my desktop computer for the first time in a month. I then had the displeasure of going through the 25,000 emails that had come in over the month! Yes, twenty five thousand! Isn’t that absolutely sickening?
These days I mainly use my laptop and most of my email accounts are collected on the laptop, however I have the email accounts set up to leave the mail on the server as I’ve always considered my desktop computer to be the main one. So most of the email that I have collected and stored or dealt with in the past month on the lap top came in again on the desktop computer.
I have my email program, Eudora, set up so that quite a few different types of email go into mailboxes that I’ve set up for them as the mail comes in. Unfortunately my Eudora email program is messing up and it tends to put about three quarters of my email in the junk mailbox folder so I pretty much have to sort my mail by hand anyway. Grrr.
Some might be reading this and wondering why I bothered to sort it out at all. Well I keep track of all the payments I get through the month/year on that computer so that’s one reason to sort all that email out and find all those payments!
I also run several mailing lists and blogrolls. The mailing lists are fine, but I’d stored up a lot of my blogroll requests over the month and while I was sorting through that gigantic pile of email I took care of pretty much all of the requests for the Green Thumb Sunday, I am Canadian, Fabulous Photoblogs and the Do Follow blogrolls.
Lots of new sites were added to the blogrolls so if you happen to be on any of those lists please keep an eye out for the new sites and go and visit them. I’m sure they’ll appreciate your visit to their blog.
If anything, after collecting so much email and having to spend hours going through all of it, I’ve learned my lesson and I’ll be turning that computer on every few days now to keep things in check. Actually I have better work habits when I’m on that computer so I should use it more often anyway.
Do you have more than one computer? Do you end up sorting out the same emails on each computer too?