I’m feeling a little better today! It’s about darn time too. I’ve felt awful for at least a solid week, and before that I only had a few days where I felt ok after feeling totally yucky in early Feb. So far 2008 hasn’t been much better than 2007 health wise.
Yesterday, along with my internet problems and lack of a working mouse for the laptop, I felt absolutely terrible. I think I lay on the couch pretty much all day. My stomach was just aching so bad. I’m pretty sure I had yet another bowel obstruction. I didn’t see a doctor or go to emerg., so I don’t have medical proof of that, but I’ve had enough of them over the years that you kind of get to know what’s up.
It seems to have cleared today. Thank God for anti-inflammatories!
I guess instead of hoping that I have better health in 2008 I’ll just hope each day is better than the last.
So sorry for your long week of rather bad health, and great that you are feeling better now. In my case, a few weeks more and winter’s gonna be over here in winter – and thank so much, I have yet to experience even a cold. Great blog by the way!
I meant Israel, instead of winter..LOL