I’m not sure if I’ll count today as a write off, as in a wasted day, or if I’ve actually accomplished a few things that needed my attention. I think it will fall somewhere in the middle.
As I said in an earlier post I’ve spent a lot of time lying on the couch today because I threw my back out with all the snow shoveling I did on Saturday. I filled my time by watching some TV, writing a few posts on my blogs, reading a new forum and browsing online stores in an attempt to get some redecorating ideas so I’ll be ready when we complete our living room dining room renovation.
I think quite a few people start to get a yearning to redecorate as Spring approaches. I know I’ve gone through stages where I’d move the furniture in our living room around once or twice a year to give the room a new look, changing some of the rooms accessories each time as well.
One of the sites that I visited today was eBuffet.com. They carry a wide line of buffet tables and buffet cabinets in a range of styles and price ranges to suit any budget.
I already have a beautiful antique dining room set and I don’t plan to replace it anytime soon, but perhaps you’ve been thinking of purchasing new dining room furniture for your home or adding a beautiful sideboard to add to the look and function of your dining room.
eBuffet has beautiful antique sideboards and buffet cabinets. This one, to the right, actually looks quite a bit like the one I own.
Buffet tables and sideboards usually have drawers and cabinets that are perfect for storing your fine china and other dining room accessories that you’d use when serving a meal in your dining room. They’re impressive pieces of furniture to look at and functional too.
Along with sideboards and buffet cabinets you’ll also find buffet hutches, as well as complete buffet and or dining room sets. Their buffet cabinets and sideboards come in many styles ranging from antique, contemporary and traditional. Take a look at their selection. Oh and if you want to save some money take a peek at their clearance section. They have some great deals listed there!
Now I’m off to get more redecorating ideas.
That’s a lovely sideboard — thanks for featuring. I actually have a sideboard in my living room that I used to showcase different pictures of family memories. It matched my tan and blue scheme perfectly — even more with the area rug I purchased at rugsdoneright. Another tip I can share with you is that area rugs brighten up and home and can be the perfect accent to your colorful home decor!